Ever have one of those mornings when you feel you have it all together but you really do not?
I woke up at 6am, fed the horses, got the guys going and went up to have a shower. I knew what I was going to wear to work that day. I put on a pick shirt, cute wool jumper (not the English variety jumper or sweater but the dress variety) and black tights.
The black tights were hanging a little low. The crotch was not going where it needed to go. Probably due to holiday weight gain and improper laundering but I needed a solution. A girdle! Well today more commonly known as the brand Spanx. That would hold up the tights and hold in my tummy. Good solution.
I grabbed them from the drawer and pulled them on. Went down for breakfast.
Kiddo and I went to school. The Spanx felt funny, bunching and falling down in the back. Were the tights that small that they were pulling them down? I dropped kiddo off , drove to work and went to my morning meeting still trying to tug the undergarments into place without attracting too much attention. I sat in the meeting feeling like I was sitting on more of my dress than I should be. What is going on?
After the meeting I heading for the ladies room to investigate. Peeling off layers revealed that I had in fact put on padded bike shorts NOT a girdle. Not wonder my butt felt poofy, no wonder they kept falling down.
Laughing I took them off, settled for a saggy crotch and went on with the day vowing to pay more attention to what I am actually putting on in the morning.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Parenting Faux Pas and other tales of the season
Christmas snuck up on us this year. Here we were finishing up Thanksgiving leftovers and Christmas let itself in the back door. I was doing all right with the shopping. We decorated in time for our neighborhood cocktail party. Got the tree and decorated it as well. Somewhere an extra week just disappeared.
What happened? Was it in the middle of my several rushed Christmas card shoots? Was it while husband was gone on assignment? Was it while kiddo was being spoiled rotten in NYC with the grandparents? I really have no idea.
No cards were sent this year. No cookies were baked this year. The packages that made it to holiday destinations were lucky. Everyone else gets a New Year's gift.
It is 2 days until Christmas. Kiddo is being an absolute pill. He does not want to get dressed, go to school, wear this shirt, eat breakfast.....
He wants to wrap gifts, put them under the tree, play with his Christmas train, make cookies, eat cookies, have hot chocolate with marshmallows. Can't say that I blame him, I would like to do all that too.
He wants Daddy home. Yeah, so do I. He wants Oma and Opa because they are not mean to him like Momma is. ( I am mean because I won't let him stay in his PJ's all day).
In my own frustration, I have become a terrible parent. He has cookies for breakfast, I bribe him to get in the car by promising him a donut (he also has to promise to be good until Christmas). I don't have the time to spend with him that I need. As he hesitated to go into class this am, I had to call work to tell them I would be late. I sat in the hallway of daycare, holding kiddo until he was ready to go into class. I know he wants attention and us to share in his holiday excitement. I want to as well. I think this may be a lesson to me that I should at least take off Christmas eve in the future.
What happened? Was it in the middle of my several rushed Christmas card shoots? Was it while husband was gone on assignment? Was it while kiddo was being spoiled rotten in NYC with the grandparents? I really have no idea.
No cards were sent this year. No cookies were baked this year. The packages that made it to holiday destinations were lucky. Everyone else gets a New Year's gift.
It is 2 days until Christmas. Kiddo is being an absolute pill. He does not want to get dressed, go to school, wear this shirt, eat breakfast.....
He wants to wrap gifts, put them under the tree, play with his Christmas train, make cookies, eat cookies, have hot chocolate with marshmallows. Can't say that I blame him, I would like to do all that too.
He wants Daddy home. Yeah, so do I. He wants Oma and Opa because they are not mean to him like Momma is. ( I am mean because I won't let him stay in his PJ's all day).
In my own frustration, I have become a terrible parent. He has cookies for breakfast, I bribe him to get in the car by promising him a donut (he also has to promise to be good until Christmas). I don't have the time to spend with him that I need. As he hesitated to go into class this am, I had to call work to tell them I would be late. I sat in the hallway of daycare, holding kiddo until he was ready to go into class. I know he wants attention and us to share in his holiday excitement. I want to as well. I think this may be a lesson to me that I should at least take off Christmas eve in the future.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My how time flies
So it seems like just yesterday I swore I would blog. I wanted to, I intended to, I dreamed I did....clearly I did not.
The holidays snuck up on me. I thought I was doing well by having the house all put together and presents mostly bought. Here it is 5 days before Christmas and we have not done cards, we'll blame it on the economy. I still have to send random gifts to folks. I have not shopped for hubby's best friend, why would I you may ask? He never has time so I usually pick something out for her. He is out to dry this year. I just do not have time.
The kiddo has been in NYC since last Tuesday. His Oma came down and got him. They have been having a ball going to see Christmas windows in the city, Macy's Santaland (he did not want to see Santa after all). He went to Opa's office party, the train shop and the Toy Museum with Opa. Best of all, I think, was that he got to see snow. I think it should be a tradition for him to visit them around Christmas time as well as during the summer. I like that he is independent enough to go somewhere without Momma or Daddy.
Meanwhile, hubby and I have been going out with friends, shopping, going to the gym whenever we want and sleeping without interruption. We had the neighborhood wine and cheese party at our house last night. That was fun. About 50 people showed up and much wine was consumed. Our house, with the addition, has nice party flow. Folks didn't even go out onto the porch or screen porch even though it was warm out. We let the dogs visit for a bit and most everyone loved them. I was relaxed but not drunk when I fell asleep. Good thing because I had a shoot this am.
I have had about 4 shoots this season. I really need to send out promotional reminders and I could have each weekend scheduled well. NOTE TO SELF: PROMOTE!
The holidays snuck up on me. I thought I was doing well by having the house all put together and presents mostly bought. Here it is 5 days before Christmas and we have not done cards, we'll blame it on the economy. I still have to send random gifts to folks. I have not shopped for hubby's best friend, why would I you may ask? He never has time so I usually pick something out for her. He is out to dry this year. I just do not have time.
The kiddo has been in NYC since last Tuesday. His Oma came down and got him. They have been having a ball going to see Christmas windows in the city, Macy's Santaland (he did not want to see Santa after all). He went to Opa's office party, the train shop and the Toy Museum with Opa. Best of all, I think, was that he got to see snow. I think it should be a tradition for him to visit them around Christmas time as well as during the summer. I like that he is independent enough to go somewhere without Momma or Daddy.
Meanwhile, hubby and I have been going out with friends, shopping, going to the gym whenever we want and sleeping without interruption. We had the neighborhood wine and cheese party at our house last night. That was fun. About 50 people showed up and much wine was consumed. Our house, with the addition, has nice party flow. Folks didn't even go out onto the porch or screen porch even though it was warm out. We let the dogs visit for a bit and most everyone loved them. I was relaxed but not drunk when I fell asleep. Good thing because I had a shoot this am.
I have had about 4 shoots this season. I really need to send out promotional reminders and I could have each weekend scheduled well. NOTE TO SELF: PROMOTE!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Too busy to BLOG
Been busy. teaching, newspaper, family, holidays are consuming my life. It is 10:08pm and I have not had dinner yet. Most likely will not. Will blog tomorrow. really.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Joe Ely Show
Saturday we were invited to go see Joe Ely at the local luxury hotel down the street. The show was free for guests and folks from outside had to pay a cover. It was not really advertised so we figured it would be a nice small show to go see.
We left the house at 7;05 for the 7:30 show. Neighbor David dropped us at the front door and went to park. We walked in the front door to the lobby and who should be standing there looking a bit lost was JOE ELY!
I said "Hey! Ready for a show?"
"Yes except I don't know where it is." he replied.
"Well just hop in our car and we'll take you to our house a couple miles down the road and we can have the show there!"
He laughed and suggested a room show at the hotel. We all laughed and then his golf cart arrived with the band ready to take him to the show. We followed on foot, paid our money, found seats in the sixth row and sent the boys to get the drinks.
There were a zillion little kids there having as much fun as the grown-ups. He played a nice 2 hour show. We had more drinks at the hotel and went home to get kiddo from the neighbor. I wish I had taken the opportunity to get a pic with him when we had him in the lobby. rats.
We left the house at 7;05 for the 7:30 show. Neighbor David dropped us at the front door and went to park. We walked in the front door to the lobby and who should be standing there looking a bit lost was JOE ELY!
I said "Hey! Ready for a show?"
"Yes except I don't know where it is." he replied.
"Well just hop in our car and we'll take you to our house a couple miles down the road and we can have the show there!"
He laughed and suggested a room show at the hotel. We all laughed and then his golf cart arrived with the band ready to take him to the show. We followed on foot, paid our money, found seats in the sixth row and sent the boys to get the drinks.
There were a zillion little kids there having as much fun as the grown-ups. He played a nice 2 hour show. We had more drinks at the hotel and went home to get kiddo from the neighbor. I wish I had taken the opportunity to get a pic with him when we had him in the lobby. rats.
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Great Monsturkey!
I must say first of all that I am thankful that husband bought the Big Green Egg and that I never complained about how much it cost. That being said I will now sing the ballad of the Carroll Thanksgiving.
aahh hemm (throat clearing)
Okay maybe not sing.. maybe I'll just write it.
I baked Wednesday night until about 1am. Apple Cake from a New York Times recipe. A pecan pie from Southern Living cookbook. Pecan pies make me nervous because my mom always made them so well. My first pecan pie ended up a huge mess in the oven because it had not cooked all the way and I took it out too quickly. SLOSH a sugary mess all over the hot oven. I have gotten better since. One year I made a chocolate pecan pie that was very sinful. But Wednesday night, I just made a down and dirty quick, normal pecan pie.
I woke husband up at 1am when I was finished so he could light the smoker and dress the turkey. All 27 pounds of it.
Since I am going to get teased for years about the size of this, I should explain that when I went to pick up my organic, newly dead, medium sized turkey last Saturday, the farm had run out of mediums. I told them I would be happy to settle for a small. We could fill up on sides. No smalls left. OH-KAY? Kim Alexander, in his matter of fact way, talked me into at large. He assured me it would fit in the smoker. He weighed it - 27.2 pounds. Kiddo weights 12 more pounds than the turkey.
Husband got the turkey on at 4am and went back to sleep. I woke up at 6:30 am, checked the smoker temp, got kiddo some milk and went back to bed. Husband was not in bed. He had gotten up to also check on the monsturkey.
I went for a walk, then he went for a run. While he was gone I put together the stuffing, while I was gone, he put together the sweet potatoes. By 12:30 we were ready to simply pop the food in the oven and go.
Then the power went out. We called the neighbors who were coming to eat with us. Their power was out as well but she had made her sides already (mostly). My other neighbor called. Her turkey was in the oven. She was drinking wine, waiting for the power to come back on. I invited her over if we didn't get power, figuring our monsturkey could feed the neighborhood.
About 2:15 the lights popped on. I turned on the oven. Threw in the stuffing and the sweet potatoes and got the water boiling for mashed potatoes. We were in business. I had secretly been hoping the power would not go on because I had visions of just noshing on turkey, bean salad from the neighbors and desserts.
Everyone came over. We prepared the rest of the dinner together. That was fun. Everyone had a job to do and we laughed and talked just like family. Kiddo had to use 2 hands to pick up his drumstick. We laughed quite a bit at that. We all ate way too much and had no room for dessert. We ate that later. We had a nice day and thanks to the Big Green Egg, a wonderful turkey. Anyone for leftovers? We'll be eating it until Christmas.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Smoking, Driving with a Rant
Okay Mr. Nissan Maxima who would not let me pass this morning on my way to work. I appreciate how you like to smoke on your way into work, but I do not. I cannot get away from your smoke as it filters in through my AC. Did you happen to notice that area along the road that was burnt to a crisp recently? Have you noticed that we have not had rain in the last month or so? Whatever would possess you to toss your still ignited butt out the window without a care in the world. The way your hand flicked the butt out the sliver in the window as it obviously had many time before. I watched the lit butt, glowing orange, throwing sparks as it hit the air. It bounced on the pavement and perhaps was driven over to be put out but maybe not. I honestly wish people would think about what happens when they throw lit butts out the window.
This morning was smokier than most, no sooner would I get away from one smoker, when I would be passed or pass another. I seemed to be surrounded in the morning commute by smokers. It would not be bad if it not come through the air conditioning, even it I have it on recycle interior air, it stills seems to worm its way into the car. If the but gets tossed at a light, and you happen to stop on it unknowingly? forget it, the smell is there the rest of the day.
I stil suspect that a pissed of mechanic worked on my truck and hid a butt in the engine somewhere. My truck smells like stale cigarette smoke at times and no one that I know who smokes has been in it.
Maybe my truck is haunted by the Marlboro Man.
This morning was smokier than most, no sooner would I get away from one smoker, when I would be passed or pass another. I seemed to be surrounded in the morning commute by smokers. It would not be bad if it not come through the air conditioning, even it I have it on recycle interior air, it stills seems to worm its way into the car. If the but gets tossed at a light, and you happen to stop on it unknowingly? forget it, the smell is there the rest of the day.
I stil suspect that a pissed of mechanic worked on my truck and hid a butt in the engine somewhere. My truck smells like stale cigarette smoke at times and no one that I know who smokes has been in it.
Maybe my truck is haunted by the Marlboro Man.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Funky night things
The full moon the other night was beautiful but still more beautiful was the way it bounced off the clouds. I only had my point and shoot with me to capture it. I balanced the camera carefully on the roof of the car, held my breath and pressed the button. While it is grainy, I captured basically what I was seeing. I think I could have sat in an Adirondack chair on the front lawn and just watched the clouds moving for hours. Not possible in my world yet, but someday.

Then last night as I let the dogs in, I saw this brown blob moving across the front step on the porch. I saw it as I closed the door but then opened the door again to get a closer look. From far away, it looked like a moth or butterfly had a spider stuck to the back of its wing. On closer inspection, I saw that the back of the wing looked shredded. I am not sure if it supposed to be that way or not. Oh to have an entomologist at my disposal.

Then last night as I let the dogs in, I saw this brown blob moving across the front step on the porch. I saw it as I closed the door but then opened the door again to get a closer look. From far away, it looked like a moth or butterfly had a spider stuck to the back of its wing. On closer inspection, I saw that the back of the wing looked shredded. I am not sure if it supposed to be that way or not. Oh to have an entomologist at my disposal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Holiday Photos

I decided that ripping on intern prospects more was not good karma so no more of that.
Fall is when folks start calling me for holiday portraits. I really love doing these. It gives me a chance to meet up with folks I see once a year. Although now I wonder why we see each other just once a year. I am going to have play dates with some of my clients and their kids this year.
Patience is key when doing family and kid portraits. Making toddlers do anything is like herding cats. You just need to let it flow. Get them started in an activity and then they forget they are being photographed. Bubbles are a favorite with me. Parents try to get their kids to smile, pose etc but that just makes kids grumpier. I also know that children usually last 30 min to an our for a shoot.
I know I should be charging more. I have gradually increased my rates. I will raise them next year but I think folks will understand. I make beautiful pictures and am worth it!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Intern Letters
We have a paid internship at the paper for a photographer. We are splitting up the portfolios and choosing the best of the 10 or so we are reviewing.
I made the mistake of actually reading the cover letters and autobiographies. Why they were asked (or maybe not asked) to sent an autobiography, I will never know. I am sure it must have said a SHORT autobiography. After all, when you are just out of college or about to be, how could you even have a long biography?
Here are some excerpts from some of them.
"Photojournalism requires passion (sometimes just talent). It is a challenging profession that demands nothing but the best from every assignment with constant critique and editing (which will get you defensive and pissed off). Workdays are long and often start and end when the rest of the town is asleep. (where did you work?) The stories that are told pull at your heartstrings causing an array of emotions: sadness, anger, frustration, elation, love, grief and hope. (until you get burnt out and really just to get some time off) It can be physically taxing balancing heavy equipment while lying in awkward positions to get the best angles and the best shots. (what?) Assignments can be dangerous, uncomfortable and dirty. I've only had a taste of this as a student, and I want more." (no really, if you want more of that you should become a cop)
" The INSERT PAPER NAME HERE'S commitment to excellence in journalism,the reputation of its photography/video department and the unrivaled work (we have no competitor) your publication produces are the reasons I want to work in your newsroom."
couple of paragraphs about experience here.
" Whether it's the compelling visual journalism of the photography and video department or the cutting edge multimedia projects for the website, The INSERT PAPER NAME HERE is doing the type of journalism I want to be a part of."
I know B.S. when I read it. REALLY.
More later when my eyes relax from all the rolling.
I made the mistake of actually reading the cover letters and autobiographies. Why they were asked (or maybe not asked) to sent an autobiography, I will never know. I am sure it must have said a SHORT autobiography. After all, when you are just out of college or about to be, how could you even have a long biography?
Here are some excerpts from some of them.
"Photojournalism requires passion (sometimes just talent). It is a challenging profession that demands nothing but the best from every assignment with constant critique and editing (which will get you defensive and pissed off). Workdays are long and often start and end when the rest of the town is asleep. (where did you work?) The stories that are told pull at your heartstrings causing an array of emotions: sadness, anger, frustration, elation, love, grief and hope. (until you get burnt out and really just to get some time off) It can be physically taxing balancing heavy equipment while lying in awkward positions to get the best angles and the best shots. (what?) Assignments can be dangerous, uncomfortable and dirty. I've only had a taste of this as a student, and I want more." (no really, if you want more of that you should become a cop)
" The INSERT PAPER NAME HERE'S commitment to excellence in journalism,the reputation of its photography/video department and the unrivaled work (we have no competitor) your publication produces are the reasons I want to work in your newsroom."
couple of paragraphs about experience here.
" Whether it's the compelling visual journalism of the photography and video department or the cutting edge multimedia projects for the website, The INSERT PAPER NAME HERE is doing the type of journalism I want to be a part of."
I know B.S. when I read it. REALLY.
More later when my eyes relax from all the rolling.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Burbling Stream of Thought
7am leave the house deliver the rest of the food drive flyers in my section. Stop at gas station to get a doughnut for kiddo because he got in the car on time this morning. Make good time to daycare. Back on the road at 7:50 to go into work, but the road is already crowded with veteran's day parade traffic.
work, work, work
Hour of P.T. stretching with Suzy. Pushed, pulled in an attempt to loosen up. I guess yoga would help but who has time? I love what she does and made another appt. for this Friday to work on the upper body. Goal? Loosen up so I can ride in comfort. Get rid of all the sore muscles from the accident.
Get to class and am thankful for the leftover salad in the journalism office. Ignore the pizza and make a big plate of salad. I sit on the floor in the hall outside of the classroom with one of my students eating my salad. The rest of the class shows up but the class before is not done yet. We hang out and talk. Class goes well. We end a bit early and I have 6 stragglers who want to stay and talk and hang out. These kids are great. They make me smile. I am glad that I have this class as my last.
Get to Central Market to meet Katie, Will and kiddo. Chat a bit and hit the road.
Got to bake a cake for the work bake sale. Apple cake. I remember this in the morning and pray that I remember it again when we get home. I do, but I am not sure if we have all the ingredients. I found everything, good. Plop kiddo in front of Noggin and get crackin. Cake in oven. Good.
Kiddo takes a quick bath, talks to Daddy on speaker phone in the tub. Then wants to hang out in our bed for awhile. We play. I finally get him to bed, put on Al Stewart for him (or me) and hang some more with him in his bed.
Back downstairs to get cake out of the oven. I decide not to make cookies too. Too much. Was I overscheduled as a child? Is this a carry over? Or do I just like to keep this insane pace. I am going to crawl into bed now.
work, work, work
Hour of P.T. stretching with Suzy. Pushed, pulled in an attempt to loosen up. I guess yoga would help but who has time? I love what she does and made another appt. for this Friday to work on the upper body. Goal? Loosen up so I can ride in comfort. Get rid of all the sore muscles from the accident.
Get to class and am thankful for the leftover salad in the journalism office. Ignore the pizza and make a big plate of salad. I sit on the floor in the hall outside of the classroom with one of my students eating my salad. The rest of the class shows up but the class before is not done yet. We hang out and talk. Class goes well. We end a bit early and I have 6 stragglers who want to stay and talk and hang out. These kids are great. They make me smile. I am glad that I have this class as my last.
Get to Central Market to meet Katie, Will and kiddo. Chat a bit and hit the road.
Got to bake a cake for the work bake sale. Apple cake. I remember this in the morning and pray that I remember it again when we get home. I do, but I am not sure if we have all the ingredients. I found everything, good. Plop kiddo in front of Noggin and get crackin. Cake in oven. Good.
Kiddo takes a quick bath, talks to Daddy on speaker phone in the tub. Then wants to hang out in our bed for awhile. We play. I finally get him to bed, put on Al Stewart for him (or me) and hang some more with him in his bed.
Back downstairs to get cake out of the oven. I decide not to make cookies too. Too much. Was I overscheduled as a child? Is this a carry over? Or do I just like to keep this insane pace. I am going to crawl into bed now.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Another Trip to Home Depot
I must admit, I am going to be very happy when Lowe's opens near our house. I liked it even before my dad worked there. I always find what I need and staff is easier to find as well. I suspect that McCoy's is going to go out of business with it being next door but maybe the builders will keep going there.
So the other day I noticed our toilet seat was coming off. It was broken from where it swings up and down. I course I am suspect that it comes from the men of the house slamming the seat down after they use it. Then I think to myself that only the little one does that, the big one leaves it up. I decide I will do nothing and keep an eye on it. It is in the only bathroom downstairs so it does get a fair amount of use. I really didn't think it would break after only 8 years though.
Then Ludim and her sister came to clean last week. I was close by and I heard the lid go up. Then shortly after, I heard a clatter that I thought must be the seat falling off completely. I didn't run in to see because I did not want to embarrass Ludim and her sister. I sat there listening to see if I could hear anything in Spanish that would indicate broken or toilet. I did not, they really are not in my Spanish vocabulary, although they should be. After awhile I passed through the kitchen and Ludim told me the seat broke. Ah yes, I acknowledged, it was on the way out. I think I'll go to Home Depot now.
There were plenty of choices there and of course no one to help. I knew we have round bowls because the oblong ones make me feel like I am in an institution of some sort. Round toilet seats seem homier somehow. I look at the wooden seats, the hard plastic seats and THEN...I see it....A seat the somehow will not slam. I test the lid. It gently falls to the seat. I test the seat. It too falls quietly. It IS plastic and might be flimsy. I notice it does have a lifetime guarantee. Yeah, who really saves the Home Depot receipt for a toilet seat but it does get me to buy it.
It takes me a few days to have time to install it. I figured the boys cold deal with no seat. I managed. I installed it with little trouble. Tried it out and decided it was a good buy. Comfy, quiet and it can be taken off easily for cleaning! Bonus!
So the other day I noticed our toilet seat was coming off. It was broken from where it swings up and down. I course I am suspect that it comes from the men of the house slamming the seat down after they use it. Then I think to myself that only the little one does that, the big one leaves it up. I decide I will do nothing and keep an eye on it. It is in the only bathroom downstairs so it does get a fair amount of use. I really didn't think it would break after only 8 years though.
Then Ludim and her sister came to clean last week. I was close by and I heard the lid go up. Then shortly after, I heard a clatter that I thought must be the seat falling off completely. I didn't run in to see because I did not want to embarrass Ludim and her sister. I sat there listening to see if I could hear anything in Spanish that would indicate broken or toilet. I did not, they really are not in my Spanish vocabulary, although they should be. After awhile I passed through the kitchen and Ludim told me the seat broke. Ah yes, I acknowledged, it was on the way out. I think I'll go to Home Depot now.
There were plenty of choices there and of course no one to help. I knew we have round bowls because the oblong ones make me feel like I am in an institution of some sort. Round toilet seats seem homier somehow. I look at the wooden seats, the hard plastic seats and THEN...I see it....A seat the somehow will not slam. I test the lid. It gently falls to the seat. I test the seat. It too falls quietly. It IS plastic and might be flimsy. I notice it does have a lifetime guarantee. Yeah, who really saves the Home Depot receipt for a toilet seat but it does get me to buy it.
It takes me a few days to have time to install it. I figured the boys cold deal with no seat. I managed. I installed it with little trouble. Tried it out and decided it was a good buy. Comfy, quiet and it can be taken off easily for cleaning! Bonus!
Toddler invasion!!

This was my weekend of paybacks. Paybacks for all the wonderful friends who watch kiddo when I am working, injured or relaxing.
Saturday morning Mitchell came over. He is three, a year younger than kiddo. He will will be good for Kiddo to know as they grow older. Mitchell is a tough kid who is fearless. Being afraid just never seems to cross his mind. He came over with his parents, who where looking at family pictures I took of them last weekend. They were amazed at how sweet and good he looked in the photos. He got into the shoot because he got some attention and he got to be with Mom and Dad at the same time.
Saturday afternoon kiddo and I went to Michael's house. They played there while Michael's mom and I did horse stuff. They have a huge pile of sand that the boys love to drive truck in. I think they could stay there for hours. I need to get one before he grows out of that stage. (When he does, I'll put compost on it and have a raised bed garden with good drainage.)
The plan was for the boys to play and then come to our house to eat dinner and have a sleep over. The boys decided they were starving so Michael's dad made them dinner. I loaded them up in the car and we began the night.
Kiddo wanted to watch a movie and of course M agreed. however, M was not really interested in watching a movie so he dumped out the blocks and began to build. Kiddo joined in and the movie was forgotten. They got into the Halloween candy (my mistake) and got a little crazy. I decided to calm them down by giving them a bath. They had fun playing in the tub. They seemed calm enough when they came out. In fact Kiddo was ready for bed. M wanted to sleep in Kiddo's Thomas the Tank engine bed, unfortunately so did kiddo. We popped up the Thomas tent and made a bed in there. Well, then M wanted to sleep in there with kiddo. Tight squeeze for two big boys. They battle for awhile until I took the tent bed down. Trying to get them to sleep together in the double bed was not going well. I created a bed of sorts with an egg crate foam pad and a down comforter. Each boy got his own pillow and blanket. That seemed to be working so I went to watch TV.
I heard a yell, a blood curling "oh crap what happened" yell. It sounded like my kid, which was better than it being our guest. M was out of the room with the double bed apologizing over and over. Kiddo was crying on the bed with a big old knot under his eye. Best I could tell there was jumping on the bed and wrestling. M's knee connected with Kiddo's eye. I got the ice pack as M told me he got hurt too and wanted to go home. I told him it was okay and just wait one minute while I get the injured party settled down.
Ice pack in place, I turned my attention to M who was downstairs asking me to call his mommy. I tried to calm him down to get him to stay but in the end called his mom. She came over laughing. She told me how she would do this to her mom all the time growing up except it was usually more like 12am or so. I told her what happened and she took it in stride.
I went up to check on kiddo and he was fast asleep with his ice pack on his face. I forgot to take a picture. It was cute. IT had been his second ice pack for the night, the first was his foot when he dropped the book he wanted to share with M on it. I got a fresh pack and sat with it gently on his face, careful not to wake him.
The next morning kiddo was very sad that M had gone home. He wanted to have blueberry muffins with him. We went down later in the day and M's parents marveled at kiddo's shiner. M was still insisting that he go hurt too. I think it was more painful for him to see kiddo get all the attention than kiddo's shiner was to him. They are still best friends and kiddo cannot wait to have a sleepover at M's house as soon as possible. EDITOR"S NOTE: The red on his face is strawberry fruit pop NOT an injury
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thanks to my terminal addiction to Facebook, everyone already knows that I got promoted today to Assistant Director of Photography at the Austin American-Statesman. I honestly never thought I would get this far because of the slow turnover rate in our department. We have a talented staff and it makes you want to stick around. My duties will not be any different because I have been doing the job without the title for 9 months now anyway.
I am touched by how many well wishes I have gotten. Working somewhere you are appreciated by your peers makes a difference. The promotion says to me that the bosses are aware of what I am doing as well. Naively, I always thought I was a worker who flew under the radar, just doing my job without causing a fuss.
I will still continue to shoot on the side. Come Spring, I will have more time because of no class. I really want to start shooting more Senior portraits for high school kids. They are fun and excited. I think it would be a good direction to go as I get older. I think husband should get into it a bit because he could charge more because of his photographic reputation. What boy would not want his senior picture shot by a Sports Illustrated photographer!!
I am touched by how many well wishes I have gotten. Working somewhere you are appreciated by your peers makes a difference. The promotion says to me that the bosses are aware of what I am doing as well. Naively, I always thought I was a worker who flew under the radar, just doing my job without causing a fuss.
I will still continue to shoot on the side. Come Spring, I will have more time because of no class. I really want to start shooting more Senior portraits for high school kids. They are fun and excited. I think it would be a good direction to go as I get older. I think husband should get into it a bit because he could charge more because of his photographic reputation. What boy would not want his senior picture shot by a Sports Illustrated photographer!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
History is made
We witnessed history. We did not let our son watch Noggin last night so he could see the tallies coming in. He will not have a strong memory of this but there may be a vague one. As they drove home from day care last night, Kiddo asked Daddy what a Barack Obama was. Talk radio was on and Daddy explained that he may be the next president.
I watched McCain give a very gracious speech, conceding the election. He is a good man. I watched Obama give a speech filled with "WE" instead of "I". The emotion in the crowd was intense. I was happy to be watching from home because I am sure if I was with the crowd, I would be crying. Can we as a country get closer because of this election? I hope so.
My wish for Obama would be that he keeps his value system and his morals. He is a smart man who seems like he is not quick to react without getting the facts. I hope he will listen to the country. I pray that he will make it through all four years safely and keep our country safe and prosperous.
We witnessed history. We did not let our son watch Noggin last night so he could see the tallies coming in. He will not have a strong memory of this but there may be a vague one. As they drove home from day care last night, Kiddo asked Daddy what a Barack Obama was. Talk radio was on and Daddy explained that he may be the next president.
I watched McCain give a very gracious speech, conceding the election. He is a good man. I watched Obama give a speech filled with "WE" instead of "I". The emotion in the crowd was intense. I was happy to be watching from home because I am sure if I was with the crowd, I would be crying. Can we as a country get closer because of this election? I hope so.
My wish for Obama would be that he keeps his value system and his morals. He is a smart man who seems like he is not quick to react without getting the facts. I hope he will listen to the country. I pray that he will make it through all four years safely and keep our country safe and prosperous.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election day!!!!!!!! finally.

It has always been tough for me to vote on election day proper. I try in the morning and there are big lines. I cannot go at lunch because my polling place is too far from work. By the time I get off work, I may or may not make it to my polling place after picking up kiddo from daycare.
The only sensible option for me this year was to early vote. I chose my time thoughtfully. Early voting was open Saturday in my county. The University of Texas/Okla State game was that afternoon. Hmmmmm, Saturdays I tend to plan my travel and errands around the game, meaning I go out when the game is on.
Kiddo and I headed to the early vote location in Bastrop. He did not want to go. I grabbed on of his Highlights game magazines and bribed him. We were greeted warmly and the folks at the check in were ready to give my son as many "I voted" stickers as he wanted. I voted, he played quietly with his book.
When I finished, he did not want to leave. As we walked out of the building he said "Mommy, I'm sad."
"Why are you sad, honeybear?"
"I am sad because we are done voting."
A man walking in heard out exchange and I heard him chuckle as we left.
We have gotten many calls for last minute campaigning. It was my pleasure to say that I had already voted. When I told one caller this, he had the nerve to ask if I had voted for his candidate! I replied, slightly shocked, that it was personal information, thank you very much!
This morning kiddo informed Daddy that he had already voted.
"Oh yeah?" said Daddy, "Who did you vote for?"
"I don't know," kiddo replied, without a care.
Country Ghouls and Goblins

Our neighborhood has a Halloween celebration every year. We all have long driveways ,no sidewalks and frankly it is tough for a kid to Trick-or-Treat. We got together and decided to make an organized affair. We would do a hayride. Tractors could pull flatbed trails filled with hay. Kids, with their parents, could ride. The tractors have one route down the main street of our neighborhood. People come to the ends of their driveways, sit in lawn chairs and give candy when the kids unload from the hayride.
This year was our third year of the hayride. We have evolved to 3 hayrides which leave 15 minutes apart. Neighbors have created insta-parties at street intersections instead of driveways. Everyone socializes. The kids have a fun ride, get candy and are safe!
We usually take the last hayride because I cannot get home from work any sooner. This usually involves flying home from work, running into the house, grabbing the candy and a pumpkin to put on the top of the mailbox. I throw them in the car, change kiddo into his Spiderman costume in the driveway. Drive to the end, put the candy and pumpkin on the mailbox, and ask a neighbor to light it when it gets dark. We then wave to the full hayrides we pass on the way to the start. Kiddo sees all of his friends on the earlier rides, I pray for no meltdown.
The last tractor is waiting for us. I quickly put on my Spidermom costume. We are on the ride with a dad and his little girl, dressed as a green M&M. She does not want momma to leave. After some waiting for stragglers, we go. Two kids, five adults. We lose two adults at one party stop but gain a mom and dad with their son. they are not from the neighborhood but heard about us through friends in the 'Hood. That is fine with us!
The trick about the last hayride is that there is plenty of candy left over, so much that people are jamming skittles and butterfingers into my son's pumpkin. About halfway into the ride, I beg a neighbor giving out candy for an overflow bag. She is resourceful and finds a grocery back in the car. I need to remember this for next year. I empty Spiderman's pumpkin into the big bag and we are ready to continue.
One of the stop is scary with a couple of monsters with scary faces and light up eyes. They sway zombie-like. Kiddo is scared but still gets his candy and scampers back to the safety of the trailer. He is starting to understand the concept of Halloween but is not very loud on the "Trick or Treat!" Maybe next year.
We finish the ride and it is dark. Everyone has packed up and gone home to count candy and make sure there are no scary things in the take. Kiddo has had a lollipop and some chocolate but no real dinner. I am not going to push it. If he wants to eat candy for dinner, this would be the night to let him.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Easy Come not so Easy Go
I knew it had to come to an end at some point. Every semester I would try and decide if the time sucker of teaching a class was worth it. So far it has been. The students have been interesting and talented. Every semester, I wonder if they are going to ask me back. They did for 3 semesters, which I suspect is pretty good.
Today I was told in a very sweet and personal way that next semester someone else would be teaching MY class. While I am sad at the loss, I understand the need to have a full time staff member teach more than one class. I mean, I teach a class AND have a full time job. WTF! He will do a great job but it will be a different class with a different vibe.
I better get the credit card paid off again, take advantage of my faculty discount and remember what it is like to have some time to spend with my family.
It truly is a mixed blessing. They may ask me back someday and may not. At least I have it on my resume. I know I enjoy teaching. I may need to rethink where I am going in the future with my career, which may be nonexistent in the near future.
Today I was told in a very sweet and personal way that next semester someone else would be teaching MY class. While I am sad at the loss, I understand the need to have a full time staff member teach more than one class. I mean, I teach a class AND have a full time job. WTF! He will do a great job but it will be a different class with a different vibe.
I better get the credit card paid off again, take advantage of my faculty discount and remember what it is like to have some time to spend with my family.
It truly is a mixed blessing. They may ask me back someday and may not. At least I have it on my resume. I know I enjoy teaching. I may need to rethink where I am going in the future with my career, which may be nonexistent in the near future.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Motivational Issues
So I am having serious motivation problems. I was not even inspired to dress even semi professionally today. I did manage earings and a necklace but settled for a big oxford shirt over capris and flats. LOW EFFORT.
I have procrastinated on Facebook and now I am taking stock of what is on my desk.
!. cup that need washing
2. someone else's mug
3. about 25 coke caps saved to enter "My Coke Rewards"
4. box of paper clips
5. fluorescent post-its brought from home
6.2 generic benedryl
7. empty diet Coke bottle
8. 3 yellow highlighters (why I need 3? don't know)
9. old pink erasure (my pencils lose their erasures too fast.
10. a handful of pink M&M's (I eat the dark pink first)
11. legal pad
12. daily schedule for photo dept
13. budgets, scrap papers with numbers scribbled on them
14. one Mirado Black Warrior pencil w/out erasure and chewed up #2 yellow pencil (not mine)
15.hand lotion
16. empty flower vase
17. lite salt and red wine vinegar
18. car keys
19. ear phones
20 card reader
21. little Buddha statue
I am sure there is a person who make a living analyzing desk contents. I wonder what my desk says about me, other than the fact that I am a mess.
I have procrastinated on Facebook and now I am taking stock of what is on my desk.
!. cup that need washing
2. someone else's mug
3. about 25 coke caps saved to enter "My Coke Rewards"
4. box of paper clips
5. fluorescent post-its brought from home
6.2 generic benedryl
7. empty diet Coke bottle
8. 3 yellow highlighters (why I need 3? don't know)
9. old pink erasure (my pencils lose their erasures too fast.
10. a handful of pink M&M's (I eat the dark pink first)
11. legal pad
12. daily schedule for photo dept
13. budgets, scrap papers with numbers scribbled on them
14. one Mirado Black Warrior pencil w/out erasure and chewed up #2 yellow pencil (not mine)
15.hand lotion
16. empty flower vase
17. lite salt and red wine vinegar
18. car keys
19. ear phones
20 card reader
21. little Buddha statue
I am sure there is a person who make a living analyzing desk contents. I wonder what my desk says about me, other than the fact that I am a mess.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mandatory requirements
Things I think should be mandatory for everyone. These things should be given time for, subsidized by employers and made a regular part of daily life.
1. naps- good for the soul, creativity and sanity
2. massages - having people knead, stretch, and rub the stress out is good. Having someone touch you in a non sexual way, when you are not worried about having shaved your legs or not, or your figure flaws feels nice.
3. laughter - does not matter how it comes to you, just do it
4. music - helps any mood along, nice to have a soundtrack for your life.
5. exercise - I am giving a wide berth here but moving the body to produce sweat would be my requirement
oh and 8 hours of sleep in a cold room would be good too.
1. naps- good for the soul, creativity and sanity
2. massages - having people knead, stretch, and rub the stress out is good. Having someone touch you in a non sexual way, when you are not worried about having shaved your legs or not, or your figure flaws feels nice.
3. laughter - does not matter how it comes to you, just do it
4. music - helps any mood along, nice to have a soundtrack for your life.
5. exercise - I am giving a wide berth here but moving the body to produce sweat would be my requirement
oh and 8 hours of sleep in a cold room would be good too.
life lessons,
mandatory things list,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Nightly Ritual
It is a wonder that I get work done when husband is not around.
After work tonight, kiddo and I went to Target to get the finishing touches for his Halloween costume. Nothing exciting just Spidey shoes to go with his Spidey suit. We finished and were on our way by 7pm.
Got close to home when kiddo asked for a burger from Old McDonald's. Considering the options of Happy Meal vs. waiting 15 minutes while I tried to figure out what to feed him and another 15 minutes making it, I thought Old McDonald's was not a bad idea.
We got home by 7:35. The dogs, cooped up all day, shot out of out as if powered by rocket fuel. Kiddo ate and then watched one show while I fed horses and dogs. We went up to bathe at 8:30pm. He ran downstairs naked after the bath while I tried to get the crazed dogs in. Of course I was interrupting their conversations with the other neighborhood dogs.
Pajamas on, we went back up to bed. Brushed teeth, clipped nails and read a story. I tried to get him down for 25 minutes until finally giving in to lay on the floor and do some work on the computer, which is where I am at this moment. I am hoping he is asleep so I can go downstairs and finish grading. We need to be out the door early tomorrow so I can put in my 8 hours at work and then teach for two more.
Fact is, I really do not mind hanging out in his room or on his bed while he falls asleep. It is meditative. I try to wind down at this time. Sometimes I over achieve and need to hit the hay myself. Not tonight, too much to do.
After work tonight, kiddo and I went to Target to get the finishing touches for his Halloween costume. Nothing exciting just Spidey shoes to go with his Spidey suit. We finished and were on our way by 7pm.
Got close to home when kiddo asked for a burger from Old McDonald's. Considering the options of Happy Meal vs. waiting 15 minutes while I tried to figure out what to feed him and another 15 minutes making it, I thought Old McDonald's was not a bad idea.
We got home by 7:35. The dogs, cooped up all day, shot out of out as if powered by rocket fuel. Kiddo ate and then watched one show while I fed horses and dogs. We went up to bathe at 8:30pm. He ran downstairs naked after the bath while I tried to get the crazed dogs in. Of course I was interrupting their conversations with the other neighborhood dogs.
Pajamas on, we went back up to bed. Brushed teeth, clipped nails and read a story. I tried to get him down for 25 minutes until finally giving in to lay on the floor and do some work on the computer, which is where I am at this moment. I am hoping he is asleep so I can go downstairs and finish grading. We need to be out the door early tomorrow so I can put in my 8 hours at work and then teach for two more.
Fact is, I really do not mind hanging out in his room or on his bed while he falls asleep. It is meditative. I try to wind down at this time. Sometimes I over achieve and need to hit the hay myself. Not tonight, too much to do.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Chilly weather blew in to town. It also blew into our bedroom last night. We opened all the windows and the curtains were blowing with each wind gust. I think it was the first time that husband did not kick off the covers since last winter. With each gust, something new blew off the window sill, luckily the kitties were not one of those things. It was a three kitty bed night. Virgil by my head, Grace between me and husband and Smudgey on my feet.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Italy: the right way, part six

Our days on Capri were spent walking and eating with a bit of drinking thrown in. Shopping was not on my agenda because the Euro vs. Dollar is pitiful. I did enjoy looking though, beautiful clothes, jewelry, men...oops did I say that? Then were not so much beautiful as charming. Those Italian men have that down!
Friday we decided to visit Anacapri, the smaller town on the island. We got on the bus, did I mention that buses on Capri are like clown buses? People just pile on the bus until you wonder how they can make room for more. Our very full bus wound up the hills. The views were wonderful and I suspect scary if you are afraid of heights.
We decided to take the chair lift up Monte Solaro, the highest spot on Capri where you can see the mainland of Italy as well as the whole island of Capri. When I say chair lift, I mean a chair with arms hanging from a cable that one person hops into and then you swing a flimsy metal bar in front of you. You wonder if your flip flops will stay on, or what would happen if you dropped your purse on the way up. Worse still, what if you were to drop on the way up? The whole ride takes 12 minutes, if you chose to hike, it would take over an hour.
The summit is cold and windy as you would suspect the top of a mountain to be. There is a courtyard with a place to eat and drink coffee. Back in the 50's the complex was built with a pool, solarium, restaurant and American bar. I wondered why it was not operational anymore. We made our pictures, had something to drink and headed back down.
Down was much scarier that up. The steep hills were intimidating as our chairs floated over gardens and houses. After a bit of window shopping, it began to sprinkle. Rather than wait for the sardine bus, the six of us piled in a taxi into Capri. An interesting thing about Capri is the lack of personal cars. There are only a couple of roads to drive on anyway so there is no point. The smaller alleys are walking only with track pickup and deliveries being made by small gator type vehicles.
My brother and sister-in-law rented scooters to see the sights. The first scooter rental place refused to rent to them because the both wanted bikes. The owner wanted my sister-in-law to ride behind her husband. She know how to ride a motorcycle, so they found a different place at Marina Grande. After proving that they could manage the bikes well, they were off.
My only regret is that I did not make it up to Villa Jovis where the Roman emperors had their holidays. It is said that if they did not like someone, they were thrown over the cliff into the sea.
It all seems like a beautiful dream. I am happy to have the pictures for memories. The kiddo is already asking when he can go to Italy and ride on a boat. Someday my son, someday.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Italy: the right way, part five
Capri Part 1
We landed on Capri after a very quick hydrofoil trip across the Mediterranean. The harbor was small but accessible for the large yachts that brought in wealthy visitors. Our luggage was picked up by an employee of Scalinatella. We took the funicular up the hill to the town and then we walked through the village square, along the main street filled with high end shops. We made a left at the Grand Hotel Quisisana, where the movie stars stay, and continued down the narrow street until we got to our hotel, La Scalinatella. The hotel is lovely with a large courtyard divided for drinks or dining on one side, the entrance in the middle and a garden leading to the pool on the right. The staff was very nice and attentive. They made you feel like you were the most important guest they ever had stay there. Our room was large and we were delighted when we saw there were two bathrooms. Husband asked my preference.
"The one with the whirlpool tub and shower of course! silly question. Why would you need such a large mirror anyway." I answer smiling.
There was a sitting area as well as the bed. It was done all in white and blue, Very relaxing. The balcony had a view of at least a quarter of the island. Husband went to explore the gym right away to get a run in. I took his powerbook down the pool and surfed the web a bit before taking pictures of husband working out in the pretty gym. it was then when I saw the hotel manager escorting a handsome bond man to a very private room past the gym. I could SWEAR it was Jude Law. I waited around a bit to see if he came out again but he did not so I went upstairs to rest. Husband came up and I asked him if he saw the guy who walked by with the hotel manager.
"Sure," he said "He came to workout right after you left."
"Was it Jude Law?"
"I wouldn't know Jude Law if I fell on him"
"Well, did he have an English accent?"
"I didn't talk to him. I was working out!"
Advice I must give to any traveler going to Capri: always forget your camera (if you have it you will not see anyone famous) and wear comfortable shoes. There is tons of walking to very interesting places. I guess you could wear sexy shoes if you were not planning on going far. I did see women with sexy shoes when we went to "The Rocks" a restaurant on the rocks where folks can hang out and sunbathe.
One of my favorite stories came from that restaurant. The food was so good. I had a fettucine with lobster and my mother-in-law ordered this incredible "fish soup" as it was called on the menu. It was so much more than that. More like a platter of every kind of shellfish you could imagine. mmmmmm.
After we ate, the waiter took our picture. A man sitting nearby with his very young, bought-and-paid-for companion, said something in German. It sounded like the equivalent of our "say cheese!" My mother-in-law sweetly turned around and answered him in German, he blushed and went back to his meal.
Turns out, the man had said something like "say Hotshit!" and my mother-in-law said "I understand what you just said." Good for her!!!! Maybe that will teach Mr. I bought my boyfriend to keep his mouth shut.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Italy: the right way, part four

Our trusty driver Guitano picked us up at the San Pietro on the morning we left Positano.
The morning before, as we headed out for the day, a cruise ship made its way close to the hotel and blew the horn several times. The owners along with several members of the staff stood on the top terrace and waved scarves and umbrellas as the ship passed. The ship seemed too big for the Positano harbor took a left after it passed the hotel and headed out to sea. We later learned that a former staff member of the hotel was recently hired by the cruise line and was on that ship. What a sweet moment we witnessed!
On our agenda today was a quick stop in Pompeii. I have wanted to see the lost city since I was 10 years old. The images of bodies in agony as they lost the battle with the volcano fascinated me. I could not image a city so old having such a sophisticated lifestyle. I had to see it.
Guitano asked us if we wanted a tour guide, my in-laws wisely said yes. He quickly made a call and it was all set, a guide would meet us in Pompeii. Did I mention that Guitano knew everyone?
When we arrived, I was amazed at the amount of tourist junk that was there. I don't know why it surprised me but maybe I though it should be a respected monument. Luckily the tourist junk was on the outside of the city. We met Francesco, who got us tickets quickly and ushered us though the turnstiles and into the city.
Francesco was very knowledgeable about the city and his English was excellent. He had spent time all over the world before coming back to Italy. There were huge tour groups from cruise ships speaking German, Japanese, French and English. We had limited time and a small group so Francesco took us to the main attractions. I think we got so much more out of our visit than if we were on our own or with a huge tour group. Many of the building were closed for renovations but we did see so much. Again, I think I would have liked to have stayed longer to see more but we only had 2 hours.
In the middle of the public baths, my camera battery died. Luck was with me because my father-in-law had a camera with the same type of battery. He gave me his. I thought that was very nice and continued my mad pursuit of photos. I wonder if they ever let private tour explore the parts that are blocked off to the public. It would be worth it to volunteer at the dig just to get that opportunity.
As we left I thought about what I learned: didn't know the city was fortified by a huge wall and guard posts, the Italian archaeologist that first discovered the bodies saw they were really pockets in the hardened ash and poured plaster to make casts of the victims, lead pipes for plumbing who knew? (probably why they had a short life span, so many brothels (wonder what crime was like?). I hope to go back someday but at least I can say I saw it.
We found a small restaurant for lunch and had pizza and coke light. oh yes, Caprese salad of course! I thought everyone was going to sleep after lunch so I commandeered the front seat on our drive to Sorrento to catch the hydrofoil to Capri.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Italy: the right way, part three
Pasta, pasta, pasta. I was worried that that was all I was going to be eating. I had heard it was served with every meal. My reality was that I only had pasta few times, fluffy gnocchi in pesto, fettuccine with lobster and some unknown pasta with pumpkin and eggplant, which sounds questionable but was very tasty. How could I resist the Caprese salad? Each restaurant has a different take on it, mozzerella had different textures, big tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. I was surprised at the popularity of cherry tomatoes in all the seasonal dishes. I had always though of them as the poor relation to the roma tomato. Alas cherry tomato, you have earned my respect!
Seafood is fresh and abundant along the Amalfi coast. Since I do not eat it regularly in Texas, but do love it, I made it my mission to have seafood once a day. Squid, octopus, fresh grilled whole fish, clams, mussels, lobster...mmmmm. I adored their take on the seafood salad. Big, meaty no scrimping or KRAB instead of lobster or crab. My mother-in-law frequently ordered the "fish soup" which was not a soup at all but a delicious variety of shellfish, and fish.
One night, high above the town of Positano, we ate at a small family restaurant. A driver picked us up from the hotel and took us up the mountain. When we arrived and walked in the door Vinchenzo came and welcomed us to the restaurant. As far as I can grasp his mom and dad were the chefs. We sat down and all of a sudden plates of food started coming mozzerella, fried mozzerella, pasta with eggplant and pumpkin, eggplant, white beans and fish, garbanzo beans and something, thin slices of roasted pumpkin, caprese salad, salami, procuitto, spinach and so much more. It was wonderful not having to make a choice. We tried it all! Then papa came out and started grilling meat. just as we finished the first course, the meat was brought on a huge platter.
Breakfast was just as important as any other meal. I adore European muesli (granola to us). It is a snack in itself. We chose from fresh fruit, yogurt, breads, pastries and that did not even include the menu options. I ordered hot chocolate one chilly morning and was surprised to get a small pitcher with a very thick liquid. It was like drinking the chocolate from a chocolate fountain. I ended up dipping by strawberries and croissant in it. Husband used some for his coffee. I still did not finish this chocolatey sinful goodness.
We drank and drank. Our local red favorite was made with red Aglianico grapes. It was full and not fruity. It did not heat me up the way reds normally do. Prosecco was the ladies favorite in the group. Italian champagne. Some were sweet, some dry. My mother-in-law said she saw some thing suggesting putting lemoncello in the prosecco. It was very good. We drank that too much one night and had a nasty hangover. In Capri the desk manager asked what my sister-in-law and I were drinking because the prosecco looked cloudy. She proudly announced the creation. His look was priceless, it was if she said she was putting catsup on caviar. "Prosecco OR lemoncello," he said firmly, "Not both together!" I quietly hid my glass under the table and let her take the heat. She is a great sport and took it like a champ. We did try to blame it on mother-in-law but somehow it did not stick.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Italy: the right way, part two
Guitano wound up the narrow roads to Ravello. Occasionally we had to stop to let a tour bus navigate the narrow hairpin turns. I was lucky to be in the front seat where I could take pictures out the window. It amazed me how the land was terraced to accommodate grape vines, lemon trees and olive trees. We saw a number of hiking groups who were using the old peasant trails in the hills to go from town to town. We saw donkeys waiting to take loads up the hills where cars could not go.
Once we got to Ravello, Guitano let us off and we walked to the town square while he parked. He said he would meet us at the square later and take us to lunch and a small local restaurant. We explored the shops in the square trying to get in before they closed for lunch. The door was being shut to the cameo factory when I was about to go in. Lunch had arrived right before me. We went to lunch inviting Guitano to eat with us. He said he would eat in the back with the drivers. We suspected that the drivers eat free if they bring their clients to certain restaurants but they must eat in the back. We ate a simple lunch. Momma of the restuarant was taken with my brother-in-law. She pinched his cheek and made sure he had enough to eat. She then scampered off and returned with some faded looking grapes. "These are from my garden", she said proudly, " You eat." We laughed wondering if we should be honored or if it was an Italian joke to give Americans yucky grapes to see if they would eat them. We ate the good looking ones and paid our bill.
We then walked and walked and walked to Villa Cimbrone, noted for their beautiful gardens and incredible views. We were not disappointed. The tree lined path led to an outcropping with sculpture and a view of Amalfi. Off the beaten path there was a rose garden that had not had it's Fall bloom yet. I think I could have stayed another 2 hours there exploring and making pictures but I was in the minority. I know we missed so much more. It seemed like there was more to do in Ravello but we were on a schedule and needed to get back to Positano for dinner.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Italy: the right way, part one
Ahhhh how the other half lives....We just returned from a wonderful vacation in Italy on the Amalfi coast with my in-laws. This included husband's brother and his wife. The trip was a gift from the in-laws to celebrate their 41 years of marriage. What a lovely , thoughtful gift.
We began the trip all flying into Naples, Italy. From what I saw on the drive out of the city, it looked like a rough place to live. Decrepit high rises with laundry drying in the smoggy air. Roads were rough and crowded. I was happy to be out of the city.
The roads soon turned narrow and winding as we wound our way through and around the mountains along the coast. It seems Italians speak to each other with their car horns. A warning Beep, beep when going around a tight bend, a cheery Beep! when passing a friend or tour bus and a long Beeeeep! when someone has done something dangerous. Our driver Guitano knew the roads well and had driven for my in-laws in the past. His Mercedes van navigated the tricky roads effortlessly and he was still able to hold a conversation in English.
We soon arrived in Positano where we would be staying for 4 days. As we drove through the town, Guitano told us that tourism was down this year but the street still seemed full of shoppers. Four hairpin turns out of town, we pulled into the San Pietro. It seemed small until we took the elevator down and discovered the hotel was built into the cliff and had beautiful views and luxurious spaces for guests to lounge. A guest could choose to take the 400 steps down to the beach or use the small elevator that opened up in a cave-like alcove to go to the beach restaurant, bar or lounge chairs. The boat dock was also down here so guests could catch a boat into Positano, to Capri or take the hotel boat on it's daily 2 hour tour.
We took the boat tour twice. You could view Positano from the sea, houses all stacked up into the hillside. You passes amazing rock formations and grottos. The boat anchored at a small island, with 2 houses on it. One of the houses belonged to Nureyev, the dancer. While guests jumped off the boat and swam in the sea, the captain to the boat put out olives, peanuts and sangria for refreshment. The day I swam, the water was cold and the swells were larger than I was comfortable with. I decided against swimming to the grotto and went back to the boat. Being slightly hung over from prosecco and lemoncello the night before, I felt this was a wise and safe decision.
Another day, Guitano took us on a driving tour of the Amalfi coast, where we saw Sofia Loren's home, huge yachts in the Amalfi harbor and the green grotto. The green grotto ended up being a tourist trap that made us laugh so hard it was worth the 5 euros. "Lookie, Lookie!" the boatman would say "it's magic! The rock looks like Ronald Reagan or Abraham Lincoln if you like." The grotto had a nativity seen under water that some fisherman put there in 1964. I am sure this was a feeble attempt to lure tourists to see the miracle of the grotto. The boatman sang, told stories and did everything he could to earn a tip. We gave him one, we knew the season had been slow.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Vacation Abroad
We're off to Italy! Headed to Positano and Capri. Hope I have packed the right clothes. Hope all goes well. Hope the kiddo has fun with my parents. I am sure he will. We have not exactly told him we are going away for a week or so. He knows Grammie and Granddad are saying for along visit.
I plan to relax. I plan to take pictures. I plan to pretend I live like this all the time...the life of the rich and famous in a 5 star hotel.
I plan to relax. I plan to take pictures. I plan to pretend I live like this all the time...the life of the rich and famous in a 5 star hotel.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ten Little Four Year olds...
We had a birthday party for our little kiddo this past Saturday. His birthday was actually Sunday but we saved that for the family party.
Saturday morning kiddo was having a tough time being good. He was so excited. We told him if he didn't behave, we would have to cancel the party. He thought about this and told us we could cancel the family party on Sunday. He was okay with that, but he still wanted to have the Saturday party with his friends. As if he had a choice....as if we had a choice.
We ordered a Spiderman bouncy that would be delivered sometime that afternoon before the party. Kiddo did not know this but he had asked for one. When the truck came down the drive way, I took him upstairs for a bath. He had no idea what was going on in the front yard. After the bath he came down and saw the bouncy through the window. He was excited but yet not surprised. Of course he wanted to try it out right away. So he and daddy went to bounce.Good thing, because as we discovered later, more than 4 little kids in a bouncy is VERY intimidating for other little kids, HECK, for grown-ups too!
The neighborhood kids arrived first, then the school friends. We had ages 2-6 but mostly 4 year olds. They all got to know each other in the bouncy as they crashed into each other showing off their best moves. Some were afraid and rightly so, it was chaos. There seemed to a be a disjointed lull, so I herded everyone into the house for present opening. We mistakenly did that in one room which got VERY loud. Kids talking and yelling then parents trying to hold conversations over them. It was mind numbing. Okay, everyone out! More bouncy play and outdoor fun.
Then it just got too hot. Everyone came in again. Parents gathered in the kitchen and kids in the playroom. This was fine, manageable even. No kids were maimed or even scratched! parents could gossip, talk and get to know each other. All of kiddo's toys came out of the drawers, cupboards and bins.
Spiderman cupcake cake time! Word of advice for the future: black, gray and blue icing on a cake, not only look gross but are very messy. Have wipes available. Kids love icing of any color though and manage to get it all over their face, arms, hands and even feet. My kiddo was happy to eat just the icing and leave the cake. I am not sure if he has figured out that paper needs to be peeled off the cupcake. Some kids had two! We were happy because I think the remaining cake will get tossed tonight.
I almost forgot the pinata. I bought a different kin this year where the kids pull ribbons to release the candy, not beat it until dad has to come over and split it open with a hack saw. I think I put way too much candy in it but the kids filled their little bags.
It was a fun afternoon but exhausting. I was barely able to function after the party. It may have been the party prep that added to the condition, but at 9:30pm, I crashed. We had just put the kiddo to be an hour before. He was just as wiped.
Saturday morning kiddo was having a tough time being good. He was so excited. We told him if he didn't behave, we would have to cancel the party. He thought about this and told us we could cancel the family party on Sunday. He was okay with that, but he still wanted to have the Saturday party with his friends. As if he had a choice....as if we had a choice.
We ordered a Spiderman bouncy that would be delivered sometime that afternoon before the party. Kiddo did not know this but he had asked for one. When the truck came down the drive way, I took him upstairs for a bath. He had no idea what was going on in the front yard. After the bath he came down and saw the bouncy through the window. He was excited but yet not surprised. Of course he wanted to try it out right away. So he and daddy went to bounce.Good thing, because as we discovered later, more than 4 little kids in a bouncy is VERY intimidating for other little kids, HECK, for grown-ups too!
The neighborhood kids arrived first, then the school friends. We had ages 2-6 but mostly 4 year olds. They all got to know each other in the bouncy as they crashed into each other showing off their best moves. Some were afraid and rightly so, it was chaos. There seemed to a be a disjointed lull, so I herded everyone into the house for present opening. We mistakenly did that in one room which got VERY loud. Kids talking and yelling then parents trying to hold conversations over them. It was mind numbing. Okay, everyone out! More bouncy play and outdoor fun.
Then it just got too hot. Everyone came in again. Parents gathered in the kitchen and kids in the playroom. This was fine, manageable even. No kids were maimed or even scratched! parents could gossip, talk and get to know each other. All of kiddo's toys came out of the drawers, cupboards and bins.
Spiderman cupcake cake time! Word of advice for the future: black, gray and blue icing on a cake, not only look gross but are very messy. Have wipes available. Kids love icing of any color though and manage to get it all over their face, arms, hands and even feet. My kiddo was happy to eat just the icing and leave the cake. I am not sure if he has figured out that paper needs to be peeled off the cupcake. Some kids had two! We were happy because I think the remaining cake will get tossed tonight.
I almost forgot the pinata. I bought a different kin this year where the kids pull ribbons to release the candy, not beat it until dad has to come over and split it open with a hack saw. I think I put way too much candy in it but the kids filled their little bags.
It was a fun afternoon but exhausting. I was barely able to function after the party. It may have been the party prep that added to the condition, but at 9:30pm, I crashed. We had just put the kiddo to be an hour before. He was just as wiped.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Five more days of summer
Tonight was a teaching night. I teach a photojournalism class at the University. Parking at the University is always either a)scarce or b) expensive. Last semester I paid $9 to park in the garage so my car would at least be in the shade. The open lot next door was $8 and not much shade.
This semester I use a pass to get me into a lot that is relatively close to the building where class is held. There is usually a shady spot that I can grab.
Tonight I came out of class, walked across the street enjoying the nice weather. I got to my car and my stomach flip-flopped. There was a friggen boot on my tire! I saw some University guys in the lot.
"Would you all happen to know how I can get the boot off my car?" I asked a sweetly as possible.
"We don't do boots," said the driver.
Funny, I thought, what are all those orange things in the bed of the truck?
"Call number on your ticket," said the driver attempting to be helpful.
Walking over, I saw that it was not so much a ticket but an obnoxious paper slapped right on the driver's side of the windshield. Peeling it off the best I could, I called.
"Why the boot?" I asked. "I have a parking permit that is valid."
The student, I know student because it was one of those thankless jobs that students make tons of money doing because people are always yelling at them or hanging up on them, informed me that I had an outstanding ticket from May.
BACKSTORY: Back in May I went to pick up a final project from a student who promised me she would turn in her then late assignment on this day and leave it in my mailbox. The 15 min parking was full so I pulled into the garage with flashers on. The parking police dude was sitting right there in his golf cart and did not attempt to stop me. I ran upstairs, found NO project in my mailbox and dashed down to my car. The very same parking dude was writing me a ticket. Still writing it!!! Can't you stop and tear it up since I am here? NO he said but you can probably forget it and not get into trouble.
My outstanding ticket had gotten me booted. I walked to the nearest parking garage, paid the fine and slowly walked back to my car. Within minutes the boot man came and took off the boot. I not so merrily went home a little more in debt.
End Note: Husband has an outstanding parking ticket with the city. I keep warning him that he is going to get booted. He has not yet. He laughs at me and assures me the city is too busy to pick on him. We'll see. Unfortunately, I will most likely be driving when it happens. I think I will stick to my cars.
This semester I use a pass to get me into a lot that is relatively close to the building where class is held. There is usually a shady spot that I can grab.
Tonight I came out of class, walked across the street enjoying the nice weather. I got to my car and my stomach flip-flopped. There was a friggen boot on my tire! I saw some University guys in the lot.
"Would you all happen to know how I can get the boot off my car?" I asked a sweetly as possible.
"We don't do boots," said the driver.
Funny, I thought, what are all those orange things in the bed of the truck?
"Call number on your ticket," said the driver attempting to be helpful.
Walking over, I saw that it was not so much a ticket but an obnoxious paper slapped right on the driver's side of the windshield. Peeling it off the best I could, I called.
"Why the boot?" I asked. "I have a parking permit that is valid."
The student, I know student because it was one of those thankless jobs that students make tons of money doing because people are always yelling at them or hanging up on them, informed me that I had an outstanding ticket from May.
BACKSTORY: Back in May I went to pick up a final project from a student who promised me she would turn in her then late assignment on this day and leave it in my mailbox. The 15 min parking was full so I pulled into the garage with flashers on. The parking police dude was sitting right there in his golf cart and did not attempt to stop me. I ran upstairs, found NO project in my mailbox and dashed down to my car. The very same parking dude was writing me a ticket. Still writing it!!! Can't you stop and tear it up since I am here? NO he said but you can probably forget it and not get into trouble.
My outstanding ticket had gotten me booted. I walked to the nearest parking garage, paid the fine and slowly walked back to my car. Within minutes the boot man came and took off the boot. I not so merrily went home a little more in debt.
End Note: Husband has an outstanding parking ticket with the city. I keep warning him that he is going to get booted. He has not yet. He laughs at me and assures me the city is too busy to pick on him. We'll see. Unfortunately, I will most likely be driving when it happens. I think I will stick to my cars.
Moonlight Gardener

Working the night shift has its advantages in that you can get chores done early in the day. Yesterday I shopped, got a good workout in and bought seeds and plants to start my Fall garden. The only problems are a) I am extremely impatient b)I didn't get home until 11pm. I wanted to get the garden started. I read long ago that planting under a full moon is good for plants. Since we had one last night, I decided to plant when I got home. I only got a few tomatoes in the big garden because I started thinking about fire ants. You can't see them in the dark and my memory of being stung by the wasps is still pretty fresh. Stinging things suck.
I took the herbs seeds, chives, cilantro and dill, and prepared a large pot to plant them in. After watering them in, I notice a small lizard in the empty dog dish on the back porch. At first glance, I thought it was a gecko. We have loads of them that come out at night to feed on the bugs attracted by the porch light. I dumped this little guy in my hand and saw that it was a baby Texas Spiny lizard. I held him and could feel his heart beating. His eyes closed and he looked like he was settling in. The warmth from my hand seemed to relax him. I tried to get him to move on to a tree but he would have none of it. A warm hand was a much better option for him on this chilly evening.
I carried him around while I finished my gardening. The idea came to me that maybe I could make a habitat for him inside so he could stay warm. After 30 seconds, I decided that was a very bad idea. I did not have time to find bugs for this little guy and maybe he had a momma who was missing him.
I tried again to get him interested in hopping off into a bush. No go. Maybe a planter? Nope. The wall under the light that attracts a zillion bugs? Ah-ha! Yes, except that his tiny little suction cup feet could not hold on and he slipped down to the wood floor of the porch. I made sure he was okay. He was fine and scurried off. I wonder if he will remember the evening he found a friend with a warm hand.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Working late
A coworker is sick this week so I am working the night shift. Secretly I LOVE to work late. I really enjoy having the mornings to exercise and slowly get going. I actually went to a yoga class this morning that had two of us taking the class. I felt like I had a yoga tutor. It was special.
Husband is home so he was able to pick up the kiddo and get him fed. He just called ma and asked about feeding the horses. WOW. I am impressed he has been super wonderful since he has gotten home, cooking, doing laundry and helping around the house. I am enjoying this and really feel like this is how our lives should be together. I hope we can keep this going for awhile.
Tomorrow Dewey goes in to become less of a man or stallion. He is finally getting gelded. It needs to be done before my parents come to visit. I can just see him pushing them around. They do not need that. I will pick Dewey up on Saturday and he will stay in cool neighbor's barn for a few days since we may get some rain and wind from Hurricane Ike. In my heart I know that we will not get any bad weather because UT canceled the game, evacuations are going well and everyone seems prepared.
The only thing that is worrying me is how I am going to get into work on Friday if the evacuations are clogging up the roads. I may hit the country roads and see if I can get in that way. My motto since my days as a photographer "Always know 3 ways to get one place".
Husband is home so he was able to pick up the kiddo and get him fed. He just called ma and asked about feeding the horses. WOW. I am impressed he has been super wonderful since he has gotten home, cooking, doing laundry and helping around the house. I am enjoying this and really feel like this is how our lives should be together. I hope we can keep this going for awhile.
Tomorrow Dewey goes in to become less of a man or stallion. He is finally getting gelded. It needs to be done before my parents come to visit. I can just see him pushing them around. They do not need that. I will pick Dewey up on Saturday and he will stay in cool neighbor's barn for a few days since we may get some rain and wind from Hurricane Ike. In my heart I know that we will not get any bad weather because UT canceled the game, evacuations are going well and everyone seems prepared.
The only thing that is worrying me is how I am going to get into work on Friday if the evacuations are clogging up the roads. I may hit the country roads and see if I can get in that way. My motto since my days as a photographer "Always know 3 ways to get one place".
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday shoot

I really wanted to write about this sooner, but Saturday I had a lovely relaxing drive to Hempsted TX via Independence, X. I always stop in Independence because of the Antique Rose Emporium. I just love the place! I roam around the ground admiring the garden projects. I usually buy an antique rose or two but it was nearly 95 degrees and I didn't really feel like worrying about them while I had my shoot. I did wonder why a building was missing though. Turns out they had an electrical fire last winter that took out the main building. They are rebuilding and I hope it will still have the quaint charm that the other building had.
Onward to Hempsted to photography my old workout buddy's mom's horses. I had never met Shane's mom just heard about her from Shane. I would be meeting her at her trainer Becky's place. I had it in my mind that Shane's mom had large appaloosas and the trainers place was going to be this imposing place with lots of white fencing and a big white barn. Don't ask me why, it is just what I had in mind since they were close to Houston.
When I turned in the driveway, I was pleasantly surprised. There WAS a kick ass arena but the farm was humble and neat. I met Leslie, Shane's mom. Not what I was expecting at all!! I knew she was petite but I guess I was not expecting short red hair. Becky was just as tiny with short, stylish, blond hair and a very intense gaze.
We walked around and looked at the farm deciding where to shoot and firming up what exactly they were expecting from the photography. We had very pretty warm afternoon light and chose a location by a pond. It was very pretty and Becky's husband had just mowed. Shane's dad was there too taking pics. He was nice too. We all laughed when I told them I was from Timonium because they were from neighboring Hereford in Baltimore County. Small world.
We photographed mares, geldings and Becky's Stallion. I could tell he was special. He was so tank-like and strong looking. He had a kind eye and was very gentle. I could tell he adored Becky. He had a keen taste for spanish moss.
After we were done with the formal pics, we wnet to the front paddock and did some the the old sweet broodmare who likes bananas. The light was so pretty but the horses were more interested in the camera than having their pictures made.
All in all it was a fun day of meeting new people, new horses and making pretty pictures. I really need more of those days. At least I did not want to leave from there with another horse. I really think I have what I need for awhile.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Woman Crush
For the past few weeks I have been trying to set up a photo shoot with a local philantropist/fund raiser. She is an attractive busy mom, wife and general fabulously dressed socialite. I wanted to be angry with her for not making the first shoots we had set up.
"Screw her", I thought, "We don't need her."
Turns out we did so I kept at it. When I finally spoke with her, I realized that she is a busy as I am and I could not help but like her. We went through road block after road block trying to arrange the shoot. We had no staff, she recommended a photographer she likes. That shooter was out of town. Eventually we figured it out. After phone calls and emails, I really wanted to meet her.
The day of the shoot I began work at 8am after taking kiddo to day care. I did not take lunch. Left at 4:30 to go teach my college photo class. Our babysitter picked up kiddo from day care and met me near the shoot. Kiddo and I walked to the location and waiting for her to show up. She took a car service so she would not have to worry about parking and if we were not ready she could wait in air conditioned comfort. My mother-in-law would love her!
She bounded up the walk in her party dress and casual flats. Her make-up and hair perfect. Hugs all around, she charmed us all. She was fun and professional. There was no way I could not like her. In fact, I have a girl crush. I would love to be more like her. Polished, attractive, smart, fun and definitely the person you want at your party. I know why she is such a great event chair, she could get honey from bees with just a smile.
Kiddo liked her too. He was a bit slow to warm up but I could tell her was in awe as well. I hope we see her again someday. She seems pretty wonderful.
"Screw her", I thought, "We don't need her."
Turns out we did so I kept at it. When I finally spoke with her, I realized that she is a busy as I am and I could not help but like her. We went through road block after road block trying to arrange the shoot. We had no staff, she recommended a photographer she likes. That shooter was out of town. Eventually we figured it out. After phone calls and emails, I really wanted to meet her.
The day of the shoot I began work at 8am after taking kiddo to day care. I did not take lunch. Left at 4:30 to go teach my college photo class. Our babysitter picked up kiddo from day care and met me near the shoot. Kiddo and I walked to the location and waiting for her to show up. She took a car service so she would not have to worry about parking and if we were not ready she could wait in air conditioned comfort. My mother-in-law would love her!
She bounded up the walk in her party dress and casual flats. Her make-up and hair perfect. Hugs all around, she charmed us all. She was fun and professional. There was no way I could not like her. In fact, I have a girl crush. I would love to be more like her. Polished, attractive, smart, fun and definitely the person you want at your party. I know why she is such a great event chair, she could get honey from bees with just a smile.
Kiddo liked her too. He was a bit slow to warm up but I could tell her was in awe as well. I hope we see her again someday. She seems pretty wonderful.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Non Labor Day
I get it. I pretty much took the day off. We took it easy, kiddo and I. did not really eat breakfast until 9:30am or so. Later we went to Tractor Supply and Home Depot. We took our time. Kiddo sat on some tractors and I did not care that there were long lines.
I dropped kiddo off at Francis' (aka Bam Bam) house for lunch and went to cut the lawn. Got it done, made some tipsy Arnold Palmer's and went to see everyone. It took kiddo while to even realize that I was there. He was having a great time. Then we wandered down the street to Nathan's house with the pool. Bam Bam, Nathan and kiddo have a great time together.
We hung out and played for hours. Seventies music was playing on the sat. radio, I was sipping my tipsy A.P. and thinking this is how life should. Relaxing on the weekends with neighbors, watching the kids and trying not to think about work tomorrow. In a way, it was very seventies or at least what you see in the movies or remember from childhood.
It was just so good.
I dropped kiddo off at Francis' (aka Bam Bam) house for lunch and went to cut the lawn. Got it done, made some tipsy Arnold Palmer's and went to see everyone. It took kiddo while to even realize that I was there. He was having a great time. Then we wandered down the street to Nathan's house with the pool. Bam Bam, Nathan and kiddo have a great time together.
We hung out and played for hours. Seventies music was playing on the sat. radio, I was sipping my tipsy A.P. and thinking this is how life should. Relaxing on the weekends with neighbors, watching the kids and trying not to think about work tomorrow. In a way, it was very seventies or at least what you see in the movies or remember from childhood.
It was just so good.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday - Day of Rest

The rabbit sat on the front lawn surrounded by crows. There must have been eight of them surrounding the bunny as if he had the key to some locked door full of crow treats. As I came out the door, most of the crows flew away. One stayed locked in an eye to eye stand-off with the bunny. I slipped inside to get the camera. When I opened the door to get outside, they had danced around some so the crow could see the door. He flew off but the bunny say in the long grass trying to decide whether to leave his buffet. The door opened again and kiddo came out with his neighborhood friend. The dogs flew out the door and the bunny dashed into the pasture away from instant death.
Sunday used to be the day of rest and refection. I spent lunch time lying on the couch resting after spending a few hours with me friends and his 9 yr. old daughter. He came over as part of a barter for speaking to my class at UT. He is an amazing photographer who lives in town. His daughter loves horses and he loves his daughter. They drove an hour this morning to spend time with Bailey, the grump.
She brushed him and groomed him and I taught her her how to act and move around horses. I put her on with an English saddle. She rode while I had a lede line attached to his bit. We walked around the pasture while dad busily took pics. She did great in the pasture so we decided to have a walk around the neighborhood. I was having such a good time and she was doing so well that I walked a bit too far. I was not wearing good shoes for walking and it was the first walk since the fall off the horse. I was tempted to hop on with her and ride home but I am not sure Bailey would behave with 2 riders and I am not supposed to be riding yet. So I braved on trying not to limp home. After washing Bailey down, we hydrated, chatted and my friend's daughter drew a very cute thank you card for me. It was fun.
After the rest, kiddo's little friend came over. Actually he is a year older and really has just wanted to come over so he could play with kiddo's toys. That was fine with me because we spent yesterday afternoon at his house playing in the pool. They played well together.
When he left, we played games until we decided to go to Rachel's house to drop off a table and chairs. She was having family dinner at her house. I though kiddo would like to play with her nieces and nephews. We were not even out of the 'hood before the little one was sound asleep snoring in the car seat. Went to Rachel's, he never woke up. Looked for her lost cows in the car a bit, still asleep. decided to drive into town to get gas. After gassing up the car, he woke up wanting to go to Tractor Supply. I told him that I just drove by and it was closed. That was half true, I knew it was closed but had not driven by. I offered to go by again and we did. He cried and said he didn't like T.S. anymore. He wanted to go home and he said he didn't want to go to Rachel's either. Smiling and sighing, I said "all right, we'll just go home."
Friday, August 29, 2008
okay really, no more!

Yesterday was my first class of the semester. Quiet kids so far but I hear they will perk up. All went well.
Katie, our babysitter, picked up kiddo from day care and I met them at the grocery store with the playground after class. They were eating dinner. This will work great, I thought. Since husband cannot be counted on to be in town on class days, I needed someone to get him because class does not end until 15 minutes past day care closing time.
We got home and I got kiddo settled in my bed watching some Noggin. i went out to feed the horses. I thought maybe I would string up the temporary fence and let Bailey eat some grass. As I went to tie the rope on the fence, my hand brushed against a yellow jacket nest. I did not even see it. All of a sudden the neighbors were serenaded by my string of obscenities. I am wondering if I should call an apologize for destroying the peacefulness of the evening. I ran in the house, doused my hand and arm in alcohol, not really sure why. Then I went upstairs and took a few slugs of children's Benedryl. Still in pain, I went back outside, cussing under my breath, to feed the horses and kill the friggin' wasps. After I accomplished both, I went back inside to put ice on. At Rachel's suggestion, I put on baking soda and took my 800mg ibuprofen.
I had no energy to bathe the kiddo. So he went to bed dirty. I pretty much crashed after that. I woke up many times in the night because of the pain. I still went to work today because of all the time I had missed from the horse fall. Late in the afternoon the staff convinced me to go to the doctor. I went and 2 hours and a shot later I went back to work.
That should be three huge painful things. I am done. I have had my three (or six even). I have to laugh because it really is getting absurd. At the doctor, I counted 14 spots that were entry points. No wonder my whole arm is so swollen.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Boys are Back in Town

My guys are back from the NY adventure.
Kiddo got to spend days at the beach on Long Island, where the in-laws have a cabana at the beach club for changing. His Oma even got him a blue blazer for the fancy dinners they have there. Turns out he really didn't need it but he looks so darn cute!
He went to the local pool where his dad went as a boy and met some new friends who he wanted to fly back to Texas.
He saw the dino bones at the Natural History Museum in NYC.
He journeyed to the Hamptons to meet the family of one of husband's friends.
He went to the candy store with Oma and learned what a ring pop is.
He saw a professional baseball game. The Mets were in town and Opa, Husband and kiddo ate ice cream and ball park dogs.
I would say he had a pretty good vacation. And while I am sure there were times he missed his mommy, I am thrilled that he had that time with his grandparents. I want to make this a tradition every summer. They also want him around Christmas time for a few days to enjoy NYC traditions.
What did I do while they were away? Fixed the handle of the shower in our bathroom that has been loose forever. Took a truck load of stuff to Salvation Army. Enjoyed watching the nature around the house. Took the dog to the vet. Had the sprinklers fixed. Hung some pictures in kiddo's room. Got my hair done and got a pedicure (I LIKE those). Went to be early every night and slept until I was ready to wake up.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Coming Home
Coming home tonight I saw the roadrunners in the pasture. Two of them ran around Dewey like they were trying to entice him in a game of tag. As I paid closer attention, they noticed and hopped up in the tree. Dewey still seemed oblivious as he screamed at me to let me know he was ready for dinner.
I have not idea where the cartoon folks got their idea of what a roadrunner looks like. Theirs looks more like an ostrich except for the comb on the head. As for the "beep beep", I really don't know. They make a clicking noise sometimes and another noise which escapes me right now.
For the past two days I have been trying to remember the name of an author who used to live in Central Texas. He is British or South African. Google and Amazon are not helping much. He trained horses in England. Wrote travel guides and wrote a book some years ago about living in Africa amongst a tribe. Drives me bonkers when I can't remember something like this. I'll remember it right before I go to sleep and then promptly forget it again.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Okay Universe...are we done yet?
I am going to layout all the cruddy things that have happened to me this past month or so and then counter it with what I have gotten out of the situation. I am doing this in hopes that the Universe will see that I have gained something and let me off the hook for awhile.
July 19 - got buzzed by a copter while on my horse. I dove off because we we headed for the barn. I was knocked unconscious and have been in pain ever since.
My lesson: I have wonderful friends and neighbors who not hesitate to help out when the times get tough. I had time to relax and slow myself down from the break-neck pace I usually keep. I got my UT class organized and feel very prepared for the Fall semester. Got my body realigned by the chiropractor. Found out from the orthopedic surgeon that my bones are strong and healthy. Got to visit with my sister for a whole week. Got a tasty Eggplant Parmesean from Rachel's sister Becky who makes the best Eggplant Parmesean in the universe.
August 7 - husband out of town for our 9th anniversary.
My lesson: actually I am used to it so it really was not too bad.
August 12 - rear ended an out of towner on Riverside Bridge because she slammed on brakes on wet road for an ambulance that she was not even close to.
My lesson: husband is not as forgiving as I am. I was not hurt, the truck still runs and I don't need to get it fixed. It will still pull a horse trailer. At least I was not in my Subaru which is newer (but whose brakes my have been more reactive).
August 13 - Learn the paper is on the market. Cox no longer wants us. Future seems very uncertain.
My lesson: think about other jobs I can do.
August 15 - Take Daisy to the vet and learn she has a urinary tract infection. $200 later, I take her home.
My Lesson: I am much more in tune with my pets than I used to be. I think I caught this one pretty early. Daisy LOVES wet dog food from Science Diet. She actually pouted when we ran out.
August 16 - Had to cancel a shoot because I can't sit in the car for two hours yet.
My lesson: It can be rescheduled
August 18 - Can drive Subaru again! Unfortunately it has a slow leak in the tire.
My lesson: take care of the tire, filled it up and it seemed fine
August 20 - oops Tire is not fine. Light is on again. Drive car back home and take different car.
My lesson: Make an appointment with dealer for check.
August 21 - take car to Subaru and find out tire has a leak in the sidewall, which cannot be repaired under warranty. Further more, non of the tire places in town have the tire in stock, AND it costs $230 to replace the ONE tire. Cell phone battery is dead and I pray I make it home ok.
My lesson: At least I had less than 15,000 miles so I don't have to get FOUR new tires because the car is all wheel drive. Take the car home and get there in time to see the cute sprinkler guy mulling over our crazy mixed up sprinkler system. Order tire.
Well that about does it. So really....I think I am done Universe. You have taught me some valuable lessons and now it is time to move on. I am healing from the accident. I am trying to be positive and laugh at the craziness of the whole summer.
Tonight I spoke with my mother-in-law who said I should ask my doctor if it will be okay to fly come late September when we are supposed to go to Italy. She was very serious. I am pretty sure we are going first class so I will have many seat positions to choose from, including flat. This may be the icing on the cake. We'll see.
July 19 - got buzzed by a copter while on my horse. I dove off because we we headed for the barn. I was knocked unconscious and have been in pain ever since.
My lesson: I have wonderful friends and neighbors who not hesitate to help out when the times get tough. I had time to relax and slow myself down from the break-neck pace I usually keep. I got my UT class organized and feel very prepared for the Fall semester. Got my body realigned by the chiropractor. Found out from the orthopedic surgeon that my bones are strong and healthy. Got to visit with my sister for a whole week. Got a tasty Eggplant Parmesean from Rachel's sister Becky who makes the best Eggplant Parmesean in the universe.
August 7 - husband out of town for our 9th anniversary.
My lesson: actually I am used to it so it really was not too bad.
August 12 - rear ended an out of towner on Riverside Bridge because she slammed on brakes on wet road for an ambulance that she was not even close to.
My lesson: husband is not as forgiving as I am. I was not hurt, the truck still runs and I don't need to get it fixed. It will still pull a horse trailer. At least I was not in my Subaru which is newer (but whose brakes my have been more reactive).
August 13 - Learn the paper is on the market. Cox no longer wants us. Future seems very uncertain.
My lesson: think about other jobs I can do.
August 15 - Take Daisy to the vet and learn she has a urinary tract infection. $200 later, I take her home.
My Lesson: I am much more in tune with my pets than I used to be. I think I caught this one pretty early. Daisy LOVES wet dog food from Science Diet. She actually pouted when we ran out.
August 16 - Had to cancel a shoot because I can't sit in the car for two hours yet.
My lesson: It can be rescheduled
August 18 - Can drive Subaru again! Unfortunately it has a slow leak in the tire.
My lesson: take care of the tire, filled it up and it seemed fine
August 20 - oops Tire is not fine. Light is on again. Drive car back home and take different car.
My lesson: Make an appointment with dealer for check.
August 21 - take car to Subaru and find out tire has a leak in the sidewall, which cannot be repaired under warranty. Further more, non of the tire places in town have the tire in stock, AND it costs $230 to replace the ONE tire. Cell phone battery is dead and I pray I make it home ok.
My lesson: At least I had less than 15,000 miles so I don't have to get FOUR new tires because the car is all wheel drive. Take the car home and get there in time to see the cute sprinkler guy mulling over our crazy mixed up sprinkler system. Order tire.
Well that about does it. So really....I think I am done Universe. You have taught me some valuable lessons and now it is time to move on. I am healing from the accident. I am trying to be positive and laugh at the craziness of the whole summer.
Tonight I spoke with my mother-in-law who said I should ask my doctor if it will be okay to fly come late September when we are supposed to go to Italy. She was very serious. I am pretty sure we are going first class so I will have many seat positions to choose from, including flat. This may be the icing on the cake. We'll see.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Weird Dream
Okay so I had this very odd, highly involved dream last night.
My family and I were traveling to some place on the water to go para-sailing. My step-uncle, who is now in his 90's but very cool back in the day, was arranging it. We were on a plane. I was sitting in the front row with a man and his wife next to me. He was an average everyday business man type, with an unremarkable wife.
In the very front of the plane there was this room off to the side where a crazy guy high on crack was put after he freaked out in the main cabin. A blond flight attendant was put in there to watch him. The other flight attendant, a brunette, went in there to check on her and she was making out with the crack guy. Then a male flight attendant came down the aisle calling my name. He handed me a Blackberry type thing and said Don Henley is calling for you (I don't really even like Don Henley). He was wanting to know where we were and how soon we would get there. I texted back and said we were on the way. The man next to me kept trying to see what I was doing. He was practically in my lap.
Then we found out the plane was not going anywhere. We all got off and were on some sort of loading dock/ tarmac sort of area. We were taken by boat across some rough water. My dad handed me the parachutes.
"Parachutes?" I asked him, Why? We are in a boat."
For para-sailing! oh yeah. We docked at a lagoon and were told we would have to take the water bus to the area that was our final destination. The water bus did in fact look like a bus floating on the water. Only there was no way to get to it.
I look and saw a large group of men without shirts, wearing short sarongs, looking very island native-ish. Apparently they were supposed to carry us to the boat/bus. A young, tall, handsome one came to me. He scooped me up in his arms effortlessly. I was carrying a scrapbook and my bathing suit. I was worried that my scrapbook would get wet and be ruined. I held it high above my head as he jumped in the water with me. It did not get wet! AS we swam in the chilly water, I felt the warmth of his body and felt very safe. He decided that we were not going to the boat and that I would stay with him on this island paradise. I woke up feeling happy.
What does this dream mean?
My family and I were traveling to some place on the water to go para-sailing. My step-uncle, who is now in his 90's but very cool back in the day, was arranging it. We were on a plane. I was sitting in the front row with a man and his wife next to me. He was an average everyday business man type, with an unremarkable wife.
In the very front of the plane there was this room off to the side where a crazy guy high on crack was put after he freaked out in the main cabin. A blond flight attendant was put in there to watch him. The other flight attendant, a brunette, went in there to check on her and she was making out with the crack guy. Then a male flight attendant came down the aisle calling my name. He handed me a Blackberry type thing and said Don Henley is calling for you (I don't really even like Don Henley). He was wanting to know where we were and how soon we would get there. I texted back and said we were on the way. The man next to me kept trying to see what I was doing. He was practically in my lap.
Then we found out the plane was not going anywhere. We all got off and were on some sort of loading dock/ tarmac sort of area. We were taken by boat across some rough water. My dad handed me the parachutes.
"Parachutes?" I asked him, Why? We are in a boat."
For para-sailing! oh yeah. We docked at a lagoon and were told we would have to take the water bus to the area that was our final destination. The water bus did in fact look like a bus floating on the water. Only there was no way to get to it.
I look and saw a large group of men without shirts, wearing short sarongs, looking very island native-ish. Apparently they were supposed to carry us to the boat/bus. A young, tall, handsome one came to me. He scooped me up in his arms effortlessly. I was carrying a scrapbook and my bathing suit. I was worried that my scrapbook would get wet and be ruined. I held it high above my head as he jumped in the water with me. It did not get wet! AS we swam in the chilly water, I felt the warmth of his body and felt very safe. He decided that we were not going to the boat and that I would stay with him on this island paradise. I woke up feeling happy.
What does this dream mean?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
All things Gross

I know a few things about animals. I actually have a few theories that I have not scientifically proven but I am pretty sure they are so.
I have pictorial evidence on this one (note the very old dead armadillo in the pic). If it smells bad, dogs will eat it or roll in it. Dead animals, horse poop, yucky smelly ponds, dirty diapers....you name it. The tough part is remembering this fact especially when you say to your pup, "Come here and give me a kiss." It must be said in your best baby talk voice of course. Just remember what that dog has been eating. Usually before you snuggle your dog, you can smell if they have been rolling in anything disgusting.
My second theory is about white horses. I think white horses always want to be brown. they roll in the mud every chance they, hoping to fit in. Maybe it is because many white horse start out dark and shed to white. I'll get to prove this one as Dewey grows up.
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