Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History is made


We witnessed history. We did not let our son watch Noggin last night so he could see the tallies coming in. He will not have a strong memory of this but there may be a vague one. As they drove home from day care last night, Kiddo asked Daddy what a Barack Obama was. Talk radio was on and Daddy explained that he may be the next president.

I watched McCain give a very gracious speech, conceding the election. He is a good man. I watched Obama give a speech filled with "WE" instead of "I". The emotion in the crowd was intense. I was happy to be watching from home because I am sure if I was with the crowd, I would be crying. Can we as a country get closer because of this election? I hope so.

My wish for Obama would be that he keeps his value system and his morals. He is a smart man who seems like he is not quick to react without getting the facts. I hope he will listen to the country. I pray that he will make it through all four years safely and keep our country safe and prosperous.

1 comment:

karen w said...

My dad called Wednesday morning to tell me about the election night party he hosted. His neighbors' kids were strewn about the living floor, eyes fixated on the tv. He said it reminded him of when when we were little kids and went to a neighbor's house to watch the first man land on the moon. I hadn't remembered that moment until then, and suddenly I was recalling the craziest details, like the color of the carpet, the pajamas I was wearing, and my exact proximity to that little black and white tv with the rabbit ears. I was 4.