Our days on Capri were spent walking and eating with a bit of drinking thrown in. Shopping was not on my agenda because the Euro vs. Dollar is pitiful. I did enjoy looking though, beautiful clothes, jewelry, men...oops did I say that? Then were not so much beautiful as charming. Those Italian men have that down!
Friday we decided to visit Anacapri, the smaller town on the island. We got on the bus, did I mention that buses on Capri are like clown buses? People just pile on the bus until you wonder how they can make room for more. Our very full bus wound up the hills. The views were wonderful and I suspect scary if you are afraid of heights.
We decided to take the chair lift up Monte Solaro, the highest spot on Capri where you can see the mainland of Italy as well as the whole island of Capri. When I say chair lift, I mean a chair with arms hanging from a cable that one person hops into and then you swing a flimsy metal bar in front of you. You wonder if your flip flops will stay on, or what would happen if you dropped your purse on the way up. Worse still, what if you were to drop on the way up? The whole ride takes 12 minutes, if you chose to hike, it would take over an hour.
The summit is cold and windy as you would suspect the top of a mountain to be. There is a courtyard with a place to eat and drink coffee. Back in the 50's the complex was built with a pool, solarium, restaurant and American bar. I wondered why it was not operational anymore. We made our pictures, had something to drink and headed back down.
Down was much scarier that up. The steep hills were intimidating as our chairs floated over gardens and houses. After a bit of window shopping, it began to sprinkle. Rather than wait for the sardine bus, the six of us piled in a taxi into Capri. An interesting thing about Capri is the lack of personal cars. There are only a couple of roads to drive on anyway so there is no point. The smaller alleys are walking only with track pickup and deliveries being made by small gator type vehicles.
My brother and sister-in-law rented scooters to see the sights. The first scooter rental place refused to rent to them because the both wanted bikes. The owner wanted my sister-in-law to ride behind her husband. She know how to ride a motorcycle, so they found a different place at Marina Grande. After proving that they could manage the bikes well, they were off.
My only regret is that I did not make it up to Villa Jovis where the Roman emperors had their holidays. It is said that if they did not like someone, they were thrown over the cliff into the sea.
It all seems like a beautiful dream. I am happy to have the pictures for memories. The kiddo is already asking when he can go to Italy and ride on a boat. Someday my son, someday.
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