The full moon the other night was beautiful but still more beautiful was the way it bounced off the clouds. I only had my point and shoot with me to capture it. I balanced the camera carefully on the roof of the car, held my breath and pressed the button. While it is grainy, I captured basically what I was seeing. I think I could have sat in an Adirondack chair on the front lawn and just watched the clouds moving for hours. Not possible in my world yet, but someday.

Then last night as I let the dogs in, I saw this brown blob moving across the front step on the porch. I saw it as I closed the door but then opened the door again to get a closer look. From far away, it looked like a moth or butterfly had a spider stuck to the back of its wing. On closer inspection, I saw that the back of the wing looked shredded. I am not sure if it supposed to be that way or not. Oh to have an entomologist at my disposal.
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