Working the night shift has its advantages in that you can get chores done early in the day. Yesterday I shopped, got a good workout in and bought seeds and plants to start my Fall garden. The only problems are a) I am extremely impatient b)I didn't get home until 11pm. I wanted to get the garden started. I read long ago that planting under a full moon is good for plants. Since we had one last night, I decided to plant when I got home. I only got a few tomatoes in the big garden because I started thinking about fire ants. You can't see them in the dark and my memory of being stung by the wasps is still pretty fresh. Stinging things suck.
I took the herbs seeds, chives, cilantro and dill, and prepared a large pot to plant them in. After watering them in, I notice a small lizard in the empty dog dish on the back porch. At first glance, I thought it was a gecko. We have loads of them that come out at night to feed on the bugs attracted by the porch light. I dumped this little guy in my hand and saw that it was a baby Texas Spiny lizard. I held him and could feel his heart beating. His eyes closed and he looked like he was settling in. The warmth from my hand seemed to relax him. I tried to get him to move on to a tree but he would have none of it. A warm hand was a much better option for him on this chilly evening.
I carried him around while I finished my gardening. The idea came to me that maybe I could make a habitat for him inside so he could stay warm. After 30 seconds, I decided that was a very bad idea. I did not have time to find bugs for this little guy and maybe he had a momma who was missing him.
I tried again to get him interested in hopping off into a bush. No go. Maybe a planter? Nope. The wall under the light that attracts a zillion bugs? Ah-ha! Yes, except that his tiny little suction cup feet could not hold on and he slipped down to the wood floor of the porch. I made sure he was okay. He was fine and scurried off. I wonder if he will remember the evening he found a friend with a warm hand.
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