Yesterday began easy enough. Terri stopped by to bring me horse feed and I asked her to leave her son at the house to play with the kiddo. She asked me if I was up for it and I thought yes because they play well together.
Those two little rambunctious dudes..... they were running around having fun. I laid down in the next room to read a book. They come running in saying " Look! We look like the domination puppies (translation: the Dalmation puppies)." They did in fact have little dark spots all over their faces, arms and shirts. Seems they had been shaking their sippy cups of chocolate milk and this was the result. I had to laugh but decided that I should be with them at all times.
Made the boys funny face sandwiches for lunch. They picked off the good stuff and decided yogurt would be much better. Terri came back and finished up the rest of te sandwiches, which were by now, peanut butter on bread.
Later in the afternoon, I tried driving. Kiddo and I went to a neighbor Karen's to play with her son and another hellion from the 'hood. I basically sat in the Lazy Boy watching the kids play. Then everyone wanted to go outside. I sat in the 100 degree shade in a zero gravity recliner which was heaven for my back. I actually ordered one later that night! Karen's husband made wicked cosmo's and since I had not had drugs since the am, I decided to partake. I must say it was a very relaxing afternoon as other neighbor's came by and hung out. We watched the boys play in the pool with Karen's husband. That part of the hood is very social and easy going. We begged off dinner and went home. Driving was a bit more painful. I was followed home by John B, the neighborhood handy at everything guy, whose wife is out of town. He had kiddo's friends in his golf cart and brought the stuff I didn't feel up to carrying.
Maybe the day was too much for him but the meltdown began when I told him it was time for bed. He wanted to sleep in our bed. N - O! is always my answer. Being physically unable to carry him from our room to his like I normally would, I turned off all the lights and the TV. He turned the TV back on because he wanted to watch more Noggin. This went on a few times before I got the remote and put on the weather radar.
He cried more and would not go into either one of his TWO rooms. He has his play room with his old Thomas the Tank Engine toddler bed and his new bedroom with a double bed converted from his crib. I began taking way things..no going to swim at Nathan's tomorrow was the big one. Finally, I had to threaten to spank. "If you are not on your way to your room by the time I count to 3.." He just lay there crying. I could not physically move him.
One...Two....Three....Spank! Not hard but since I have not done it before, it was shocking and he ran into his room. By this time it was past my bedtime too. I got him in bed and lay down with him. He wanted me to go. "OK, when you lay down properly, I'll go." No he wanted me to stay. "OK, when you lay down with your head on the pillow, I'll stay." He snuggled with his leg across me as if to ensure I would be staying. He fell sleep in 10 minutes.
I wish I could have said the same for me. I could not get comfortable in my bed. He put his little toddler curse on it I think.
Today began as badly as it ended. He ate a frozen fruit bar for breakfast when I said no. Begged for cream of wheat and ate 4 bites old me he was full then wanted an Oreo. When I said no, he went to the pantry found the very old box of them and took the last one. I took the box and threw it away. Tried to get the cookie but he was too fast. I waited until he sat down to eat it. Then I took it away and gave it to the dog. More crying, more time out...I walked to get the newspaper and when I came back he was on the porch telling me he was sorry. He tried to be good the rest of the day.
So did he get to go swimming at Nathan's? Well no. But I needed some quiet time so badly, that Terri came up and got him. He'll get some energy out and I can have a healing nap.
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