Having a four year old is as much fun as it can be frustrating but you really have to enjoy the fun part and try to ignore the times when the kiddo pushes those buttons.
My sister left today after being here a week to help me. Man, it was great to have her here. Jake loved her, the dogs really loved her and I am sure if the cats were able to come downstairs without being eaten by the dogs, they would have loved her too.
Last night she gave him a bath and they had a huge pillow fight. He was pretty worn out. To hear them laugh together made me laugh. She bought him a Spiderman costume at Wal-mart that he LOVED. I think he wants to wear it to his birthday party.
He is such a little parrot too. He picks up the smallest expressions and then uses them when you least expect it. He loves saying "Actually". It cracks me up. " Actually mommy, this grape looks like a squash."
Lately the house has become a spaceship or a regular ship and we have to take our seats before we can go anywhere. The imagination is huge. I love lying in bed in the morning listening to him play in his room. Tonight at dinner we had to all sing the Multiplication Rock song for Three.
"Mommy you sing!
"3, 6, 9"
"Daddy now you!"
"12, 15, 18"
We both look at the kiddo and he sings "21, 24, 27....30!"
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