The rabbit sat on the front lawn surrounded by crows. There must have been eight of them surrounding the bunny as if he had the key to some locked door full of crow treats. As I came out the door, most of the crows flew away. One stayed locked in an eye to eye stand-off with the bunny. I slipped inside to get the camera. When I opened the door to get outside, they had danced around some so the crow could see the door. He flew off but the bunny say in the long grass trying to decide whether to leave his buffet. The door opened again and kiddo came out with his neighborhood friend. The dogs flew out the door and the bunny dashed into the pasture away from instant death.
Sunday used to be the day of rest and refection. I spent lunch time lying on the couch resting after spending a few hours with me friends and his 9 yr. old daughter. He came over as part of a barter for speaking to my class at UT. He is an amazing photographer who lives in town. His daughter loves horses and he loves his daughter. They drove an hour this morning to spend time with Bailey, the grump.
She brushed him and groomed him and I taught her her how to act and move around horses. I put her on with an English saddle. She rode while I had a lede line attached to his bit. We walked around the pasture while dad busily took pics. She did great in the pasture so we decided to have a walk around the neighborhood. I was having such a good time and she was doing so well that I walked a bit too far. I was not wearing good shoes for walking and it was the first walk since the fall off the horse. I was tempted to hop on with her and ride home but I am not sure Bailey would behave with 2 riders and I am not supposed to be riding yet. So I braved on trying not to limp home. After washing Bailey down, we hydrated, chatted and my friend's daughter drew a very cute thank you card for me. It was fun.
After the rest, kiddo's little friend came over. Actually he is a year older and really has just wanted to come over so he could play with kiddo's toys. That was fine with me because we spent yesterday afternoon at his house playing in the pool. They played well together.
When he left, we played games until we decided to go to Rachel's house to drop off a table and chairs. She was having family dinner at her house. I though kiddo would like to play with her nieces and nephews. We were not even out of the 'hood before the little one was sound asleep snoring in the car seat. Went to Rachel's, he never woke up. Looked for her lost cows in the car a bit, still asleep. decided to drive into town to get gas. After gassing up the car, he woke up wanting to go to Tractor Supply. I told him that I just drove by and it was closed. That was half true, I knew it was closed but had not driven by. I offered to go by again and we did. He cried and said he didn't like T.S. anymore. He wanted to go home and he said he didn't want to go to Rachel's either. Smiling and sighing, I said "all right, we'll just go home."