I got a new helmet today. Cost more than I would usually spend but I am worth it and not taking any chances. Looking for a back brace too but I may have one already in the truck. Husband does not even want to think about me riding again.
I also called the FAA today and made a complaint against the helicopter except there is nothing they can do with out the numbers. I need to do some more investigating. Someone had to have seen the numbers.
Today he kiddo stayed home because there was no room in the car for husband to take him to daycare. Husband had the car filled to the brim for a shoot with Patty Griffin. I guess I could have arranged for a friend to take him in but I was getting a bit bored and lonely so I thought it might be fun. It was okay. He was rambunctious, watched way to much TV, played the keyboard way to loudly while I was on the phone and whined way too much. Still and all, I liked having him home with me. I even got him to settle down for a nap late in the afternoon. I got some location scouting done via internet for husband's Sunday shoot.
I also got out to get the mail, fill up the horse trough and give Dewey a little squirt down. He likes getting sprayed with the hose. He is such a confident little guy. He will be a great horse down the road. I still love Sahil but Dewey is different . Bobbie Paulk said that the fact that Sahil did not buck when he took off the other day is a good think. It was his first time with a human on his back while running and he didn't care. I need to get better so I can ride again.
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