The phone rang late Thursday night after I just told our neighbor that husband and I were going to have this exciting photo shoot the next morning.
"OH MY GOD, " exclaimed the wife of our neighbor, " You are going to actually get to meet Robert Earl Keen?"
"Yep," I relied with a smile as big as the state plastered on my face.
So Friday morning, we all got up early and prepared to drive to the small country town where we were to do the shoot. I hardly slept the night before and had 2 dreams about REK. Husband was so keyed up that he had to run at 5am to get some of the energy out.
We drove separately because I had to take kiddo in into school. I met husband and his partner on the project at the small dance hall where the shoot was to happen. The hall looked so different without all the people and the tables in the middle of floor instead. The plan was to get all set up and if husband was not set up in time, I would do a mini interview to get audio for a multi media project. I had not written down questions and figured I would wing it as usual. I have had so many imaginary discussions with REK that I was pretty sure I could come up with enough material.
I was standing watching husband do some tests when an attractive blond woman wearing a black sleeveless dress and heels walked into the hall. She walked toward me and I smiled. She introduced herself and I recognized her as REK's manager. Her emails had been short and her phone manner professional. She told me she had Robert in the car. They would be in shortly. Looking back on the morning, I think he was sacked out in the car because he came in looking very sleepy and not quite awake. Polite introductions all around.
They went to the middle of the room and got ready. I was humored by the way REK changed his shirt in the middle of the hall, no reservations, just like... Let's get this show on the road. Melissa explained that we were going to do a little audio for our multi media project while husband finished setting up. He nodded and we went to a table to sit down. I was actually going to have a real conversation with a song writer/singer whose work I really admire. I warned him that I was not a professional music critic, writer or interviewer. And begged that he not laugh if I asked anything silly. I think his may have scared him.
We had a great talk which I will post once I transcribe the audio. He was insightful, funny, and very easy to talk to. I could have gone on for awhile but I knew husband was probably ready. I wrapped it up. When the mich was off. He complimented me by saying I was better than many professionals who had interviewed him. I may have blushed and thanked him saying I have seen him perform many times and had gotten curious about some things.
He went on to the photo part. We had asked him to bring a cowboy hat and guitar. He also brought a mandolin which looked well worn. We ended up using that. While the shoot went on, Melissa the manager and I talked. She is a wonderful person. We had tons to talk about from golf, to music, to kids, all the while she kept an eye on REK to make sure he did not need anything or was getting bored. I could tell she is very good at what she does.
It was getting hot in the dance hall. They had some sort of AC but it was still warm. Husband was sweaty, other photographer was sweaty and I was damp. It was time to quit. I quietly asked M if it would be okay if we had our pic made with REK explaining that I NEVER ask this. M said it would be fine, and REK would not mind at all. Husband scowled at me when I asked REK because in our world it is unprofessional to show that you admire someone and want your picture made with them. REK was cool. In the pic he looks happy, husband looks uneasy and I look like a smiley fool. I wish I could have controled myself better. REK has a very solid arm on you when he poses for a pic.
After we had finished the employees at the hall got pictures and autographs. He was polite and kind to them. They loaded up and headed out. He is off to Italy for vacation. We just kept talking about the shoot. We were still high on the experience. This is not the first time we have been in contact with someone "famous" but it was the first time we had the admiration we do for the person we met.
He was just a nice guy. I will have more on this later. But I wanted to get the memory down now asap before it fades. The pictures were great. I know everyone will love them.
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