This morning good neighbor Karen called to offer to take kiddo to the zoo. He was very excited. We played rocket ship o pass the time, computer games and as seen here, he was writing an email to Miss Karen asking her to take him to the zoo. He would type, and then read the email..."Dear Miss Karen, Could you please take me to the....oh I need to type some more," then he would clickity clack more letters read it gain and not finish in the same place. It took 3 go rounds of needing to type more before he go the word Zoo in his fake email. Funny kid.
I am losing track of time. Being trapped at home, not being able to drive, has just done me in. I have 3 vicodin left. I am trying to go as long as possible without in preparation for tomorrow. I am going to try and drive to work I think. I am not I can last a full day because I can't sit for more that 5 minutes and standing also wears me out.
On my list tomorrow is call the doctor,chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist, pick up the print I have in that show in Colorado (it needs to get there by aug 1). Crazy busy.
So now I am contemplating a nap as I watch husband make laps on the riding mower around the yard. Something I would have done last week had I not had the fall. His shoot got cancelled for today and I must say I am extremely happy. He can spend time with our kiddo and do yard work. Not sure how to get him to clean out the cat boxes though. I am lucky he likes to cook. Last night he made a GREAT lasagna and fresh bread. He leaves Wednesday though for several weeks. I think we are going to ask the family for help. If not, I'll get by with a little help from my friends (as sung by Joe Cocker, the version I like better than the Beatles).
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