Sunday, July 20, 2008

Not my Favorite Saturday

Yesterday started out all right. I got Sahil in the trailer in 10 minutes. Bailey hppoed right in after him. Jake got in the truck without incident. I drove down to BFF neighbor to trade horses. Bailey would stay there and Timmy would be loaded up. Timmy was going to Rachel's for a bit and Bailey would stay to keep Monty company. Timmy got in without any trouble and we headed to Rachel's.

When we got there, Jake hopped out and said he wanted to ride. Then he decided to play with his trucks instead. I got Sahil ready for my lesson. Kellie as finishing up and David was watching Lorre do some massage work on Timmy.

I lunged Sahil in the round pen and he was listening and being good. We went into the arena. He stood still while I got on. Good Boy!! We had a nice walk to the end of the arena. Then I heard a helicopter. No big deal, they come over our house all the time. This time it seemed to be getting louder and louder. Sahil was getting nervous. I though for a minute that I should hop off until it went by. Then I thought how well he did with the motorcycle the other day so I decided to ride through this.

He took off into a trot and then canter. The gate was open so I thought I would turn him away from it. The helicopter sounded like it was going to land in the arena. Sahil took off out the gate at a gallop. Long legs I thought to myself. "Help" I yelled to no one in particular. I did not want to fall off. I heard Rachel yell "Bail!" On the driveway? no way! I thought the front gate was open and that is the way we were headed. I did not want to end up on the street.

I made up my mind. I tried to turn him one last time. He slowed. I had no stirrups at this point. I bailed off the side.

The next thing I saw was paramedics over me. I knew the day, year and all the other questions they asked me. I needed to know where Jake was? Did he see any on this? No Kellie had him in the sand box. The ride was like a dream. I heard that we were buzzed by a helicopter. Sahil took off. Apparently I was riding so well no one thought I was in trouble.

I was unconscious for about 3 minutes. My tongue was purple and going back in my throat. Lorre and Rachel pried my mouth open and pulled my tongue out. I started breathing and came to. They called 911. The ambulance was there in 10 minutes and took me to Brackenridge. I made conversation with the paramedics. They showed me my helmet with the crack in it. The EMT trainee tried to get an IV in my wrist but the vein kept rolling. They finally got it in my elbow.

The emergency room was quiet so I was attended to right away. They cut my shirt off and I begged them not to cut off my new full seat breeches. We got them off without having to cut them. WHEW! My vital were good and they thought I may have a mild concussion. Bt they were more concerned with the back pain. off to X-ray I went. The doctor came back and said the x-rays looked okay. Some arthritus in my joints (didn't know about that!) and calcium deposits around the old compound fracture.

Rachel came in and read the charts. Then she helped me get dressed. We needed a shirt so the nurse got me a paper shirt. Getting up was nearly impossible. I told the doctor I needed some pain medication. Rachel told him I needed muscle relaxants. I got wheeled to check out while R got the truck. I told the doctor that my groin area really hurt. He took another look at the x-ray and said I may have a small pelvic fracture. There is nothing they could do about that. I just needed to rest.

I could not have made it to the truck without Rachel. It was so painful to walk. Sitting does not hurt but walking is near about impossible. Rachel got me settled in at home on the couch.

David and Kellie had taken Jake home in my truck. He had lunch there and crashed on their couch for a bit. Terri went over to get him from David and Kellie's. He went almost too willingly. She brought them up to visit before they went to the park. He kissed me and then ran up to get his pijamas for a sleep over. As of now he is still down there having a great time.

Rachel spent the night, fed me dinner and pain meds, walked me to the bathroom. She tucked me bed in the guest room. She slept in our room.

This morning I am still so sore. I can barely walk. I know I am going to need my muscles worked on when I can work again. I have already called in sick to work but I determined to get to my dermatologist on Tuesday.

So where is husband during all this? In England covering the British Open. He volunteered to come home early if it was possible. I would like to have him home but I am afraid he is going to want me to stop riding. hat is such a huge part of me and I know if it had not been for the copter, we wold have been fine. At least we got that over with at Rachel's and not on a trail somewhere. I must be strong.

So now I lay on the couch, trying to ignore the pain. Trying to heel. Thank heavens for friends and neighbors. I am fortunate to have them in my life. I hope I can repay all the favors.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nell!!!!!!!!! oh my god!! that is so so scary. i am speechless beyond this.