Neighbor drove me to work today for our staff meeting. I was glad to have gone but I was really tired after. I had to stand the whole time, or most anyway because it still hurts to sit. Staff had some good ideas on how to cope with Kelly's departure. Still have not told anyone she will be my TA at UT. I think that may cause some hard feelings. Then one staffer was complaining about shooting a dog happy hour. I asked him what was so important that he wanted to shoot instead? nothing, he just wanted to go to the gym instead. Staff was happy I called him on it. e is always trying to weasel out of things.
At last I have enough work work that I can do from my delicately balanced position on the couch. The office has thought of some constructive projects that we would never be able to get done if we were in the office. Too bad it is not contest time. That could all be done from home. That will keep my brain exercised. YAY! If I were well, I would e tempted to do yard work instead of actually working but since I am limited on movement, I need something to do. Too bad I can't have a couch at my desk.
The chiropractor said my injuries were the kind you get 1 in 1,000. I have some nerve damage in my back on he side that does not hurt. Maybe that is what is keeping it from hurting. He tried to do an adjustment like he did yesterday but I was WAY too tense and a ball of tension seized up behind my shoulder blade and made it really hard to breathe. We just did the upper back and called it a day. I can tell I m going to be a challenging project for him.
My bother called yesterday from Vermont to see how I was doing. That was a nice surprise. We do not talk that often and it is not for any reason. I just think we are a combination of busy and lazy. I love him and his family. They are pretty amazingly smart and talented. It would be nice for the whole family to live closer but I think we were just all brought up to be very independent. That seems funny to me now because Mom wants us all to be closer, physically and in our relationships.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Why I love my neighbors

Mark drove kiddo and I to day care and to get xrays. He listened to me vent and gave good non judgmental advice. He took me to the chiropractor. I went with him to see his mother-in-law. Then he took me to the gym so I could say goodbye to my workout buddy who is moving to Macon GA. I will miss her so much. She was competative in a fun way. She cheered me up when I was bummed out. I think Minna, our trainer will miss her too. Got a dozen bagels from the shop next door and we went home.
As I checked my work emails, I saw that husband had forwarded an email from another neighbor offering to help. She is not running to the bank for me and volunteered to do some laundry. Actually fold the stuff husband had washed but not folded. Kiddo is out of undies so Robyn said she would do the load for me.
This weekend I am sure we will do something with Terri or Karen and their boys.Kiddo loves them and that will wear him out a little bit this weekend.
I have so many nice friends, I hope I can repay the favor some day.
My view from the couch today is of our huge golden retriever Gatsby who either sleeps right next to the sofa or on the chair next to the sofa. He used to be quite the out of control dog. At 90lbs, that can be annoying. Since my accident, it seems like Gatsby has been auditioning to be a service dog. He walks right next to me everywhere. He settles down near me. He is husband's dog but he has been very protective of me lately.
Daisy has been bonding with kiddo. He plays with her, talks to her and gives her lovin'. I think they will grow together like parents always hope boys and dogs will.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Back on the Couch

Feel like I should be on a shrink's couch but instead I am just on mine again. I drove today for the first time since "The Fall" of my empire. Went to chiropractor extraordinaire first. Kiddo was with me because I didn't have time to take him to day care before the appt.
First of all I started my day at 4am because I could not sleep. Got up, showered, had breakfast and watched some of the Betty Page story while I was waiting for husband to return from his run. When he got back I practiced driving the stick shift. Went down the driveway, out into the 'hood but turned around pretty quickly when I realized how much it hurt. Decided to take the truck. Husband moved the car seat over for me. Getting in was the challenge. Kiddo is big enough to climb in by himself these days. Took me longer than it did him. I had to step on an old coffee can that I use or feeding. It worked.
I drove to the chiropractor. Made it through the pain by talking to kiddo and singing with the radio. Doctor said he needed xrays to help me better. Found my pain threshold and let me go. I am to see him tomorrow for a longer appt.
Took kiddo to day care. Found street parking. Walked very slowly up he sidewalk, up the stairs and into the school. The teachers were very sweet asking me if I was doing better. Jake was happy to be with his friends.
I hobbled back to the truck, the pain building. I got in on the passenger side because of the curb acting like a step. I slid over to the drivers side. That is when I began to lose it. I began to cry. I called into work and let them know I just could not make it. I cried the whole way home. First time since the accident. I am sure it was a release. I got scared though. What am I going to when husband goes to Denver tomorrow? He has been asking me this all week. I had no answers, figuring I could handle it.
I called Rachel sobbing. She told me to calm down and go home and lay down. I called my former many across the street and asked him if he would like to resume those duties for a few days. Actually I just need him to drive us around. He was cool with that. What wonderful friends/neighbors. Rachel called and said our friend Bonnie could also help out later in the week. Jake and I love Bonnie. She is a good soul.
I am going to have to start taking pics of the view from the least I can look out the window and see the roadrunners. Now though, I just see the huge squash bug on the outside of screen porch. It has not moved all day. Yesterday I had an immature praying mantis. They are my favorite bugs.
Monday, July 28, 2008
First Day Back at Work
Despite the initial pain of getting going in the morning, I was practically giddy on the way into work. I hobbled into the building. Answered security guard Julian's questioning eyes about the funny walk.
"Fell of my horse", I said as I limped into the elevator.
I stepped off into the newsroom. As folks noticed the walk and me not being there for a week, I felt the need for a group announcement. I settled in at my desk after raising the computer so I could use it standing up. Sitting is out of the question as this point. I can sit for a few seconds to ease the pain on my feet. My feet were actually falling asleep from standing so much.
Still and all, it was good to be with my co-workers and even tell THE STORY a zillion times. Actually got some work done that needed to be done so I did accomplish more than just catch up work. I hope it will b that way all week. I am thinking I can even structure it to where I can make calls from home.
By the time husband picked me up, I was sore and tired. We went and picked up my exhibition print for the Colorado show and then got the kiddo. He was just waking up from his nap. When I saw him come down the stairs to the car, the smile on his face was three feet wide. He was o happy to be going home early, it made my heart ache. I wonder does he love being home that much or does he not like day care? He smiled the whole way home and as I look at him now, he is still smiling.
"Fell of my horse", I said as I limped into the elevator.
I stepped off into the newsroom. As folks noticed the walk and me not being there for a week, I felt the need for a group announcement. I settled in at my desk after raising the computer so I could use it standing up. Sitting is out of the question as this point. I can sit for a few seconds to ease the pain on my feet. My feet were actually falling asleep from standing so much.
Still and all, it was good to be with my co-workers and even tell THE STORY a zillion times. Actually got some work done that needed to be done so I did accomplish more than just catch up work. I hope it will b that way all week. I am thinking I can even structure it to where I can make calls from home.
By the time husband picked me up, I was sore and tired. We went and picked up my exhibition print for the Colorado show and then got the kiddo. He was just waking up from his nap. When I saw him come down the stairs to the car, the smile on his face was three feet wide. He was o happy to be going home early, it made my heart ache. I wonder does he love being home that much or does he not like day care? He smiled the whole way home and as I look at him now, he is still smiling.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
How time goes by

This morning good neighbor Karen called to offer to take kiddo to the zoo. He was very excited. We played rocket ship o pass the time, computer games and as seen here, he was writing an email to Miss Karen asking her to take him to the zoo. He would type, and then read the email..."Dear Miss Karen, Could you please take me to the....oh I need to type some more," then he would clickity clack more letters read it gain and not finish in the same place. It took 3 go rounds of needing to type more before he go the word Zoo in his fake email. Funny kid.
I am losing track of time. Being trapped at home, not being able to drive, has just done me in. I have 3 vicodin left. I am trying to go as long as possible without in preparation for tomorrow. I am going to try and drive to work I think. I am not I can last a full day because I can't sit for more that 5 minutes and standing also wears me out.
On my list tomorrow is call the doctor,chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist, pick up the print I have in that show in Colorado (it needs to get there by aug 1). Crazy busy.
So now I am contemplating a nap as I watch husband make laps on the riding mower around the yard. Something I would have done last week had I not had the fall. His shoot got cancelled for today and I must say I am extremely happy. He can spend time with our kiddo and do yard work. Not sure how to get him to clean out the cat boxes though. I am lucky he likes to cook. Last night he made a GREAT lasagna and fresh bread. He leaves Wednesday though for several weeks. I think we are going to ask the family for help. If not, I'll get by with a little help from my friends (as sung by Joe Cocker, the version I like better than the Beatles).
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Weekend... at Last

I got a new helmet today. Cost more than I would usually spend but I am worth it and not taking any chances. Looking for a back brace too but I may have one already in the truck. Husband does not even want to think about me riding again.
I also called the FAA today and made a complaint against the helicopter except there is nothing they can do with out the numbers. I need to do some more investigating. Someone had to have seen the numbers.
Today he kiddo stayed home because there was no room in the car for husband to take him to daycare. Husband had the car filled to the brim for a shoot with Patty Griffin. I guess I could have arranged for a friend to take him in but I was getting a bit bored and lonely so I thought it might be fun. It was okay. He was rambunctious, watched way to much TV, played the keyboard way to loudly while I was on the phone and whined way too much. Still and all, I liked having him home with me. I even got him to settle down for a nap late in the afternoon. I got some location scouting done via internet for husband's Sunday shoot.
I also got out to get the mail, fill up the horse trough and give Dewey a little squirt down. He likes getting sprayed with the hose. He is such a confident little guy. He will be a great horse down the road. I still love Sahil but Dewey is different . Bobbie Paulk said that the fact that Sahil did not buck when he took off the other day is a good think. It was his first time with a human on his back while running and he didn't care. I need to get better so I can ride again.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Blah blah blah
Seems an impossible task to write when one has been doing nothing but sitting on ice packs on the couch watching TV and being connected to the world with a laptop.
I had hope this morning that I would have less pain because I slept on my stomach last night. Flipping over was pain free so I must have relaxed in my sleep enough to flip. I heard the rain and settled in for more sleep. My little cutie pie came in to wake his momma. Daddy was out running. We stayed in be for awhile. When it was time to get out of bed, I felt the pain. The shoulder pain had gotten smaller but I am in need of a tennis ball to roll it out. It is a sharp pain that makes breathing difficult. The lower back pain is still there but can be dulled with vicodin and ice packs.
I need this pain to go away. I am tired of it. I tried to empty the dishwasher and did but it hurt like hell. I am sure husband is ready for me to get back to work. HE is used to me doing so much. I know the dogs did not get fed this am and they surely would not be getting water unless I checked on them. I am glad David is feeding Dewey, he would surely starve.
Our house guest is sweet and willing to help. I am lucky there. She is with husband today scouting locations for a shoot. I like the peace and quiet. I am about to fall asleep. I am ready to be active again. Go to the gym, ride, play with my son, cut the lawn...notice that go to work is not on the list. :-)
I had hope this morning that I would have less pain because I slept on my stomach last night. Flipping over was pain free so I must have relaxed in my sleep enough to flip. I heard the rain and settled in for more sleep. My little cutie pie came in to wake his momma. Daddy was out running. We stayed in be for awhile. When it was time to get out of bed, I felt the pain. The shoulder pain had gotten smaller but I am in need of a tennis ball to roll it out. It is a sharp pain that makes breathing difficult. The lower back pain is still there but can be dulled with vicodin and ice packs.
I need this pain to go away. I am tired of it. I tried to empty the dishwasher and did but it hurt like hell. I am sure husband is ready for me to get back to work. HE is used to me doing so much. I know the dogs did not get fed this am and they surely would not be getting water unless I checked on them. I am glad David is feeding Dewey, he would surely starve.
Our house guest is sweet and willing to help. I am lucky there. She is with husband today scouting locations for a shoot. I like the peace and quiet. I am about to fall asleep. I am ready to be active again. Go to the gym, ride, play with my son, cut the lawn...notice that go to work is not on the list. :-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Day 3 of Recovery
Rachel spent the night again last night just in case. I slept well and even could turn over in bed. My kiddo came in early and was happy to see mommy in bed. We snuggled a bit. I was glad for R because she helped me get him dressed, well, she dressed him. I managed to make breakfast and we took him to day care together and then to my dermatologist appt. I was glad she drove because driving and pain killers do not mix!! I was pretty dizzy.
Went to the derm doc and found that what I thought was a skin issue was not. She burned off my yucky huge freckles. I am very happy and am looking forward to seeing my skin when my face heals. Vain, I know, but it is just a little thing. Doc even looked at a spot R had. R does not have insurance so this eased her mind. I thought the doctor was very cool
We got home and I crashed. Rachel did laundry and cleaned up the house. WOW what a friend. She has been great while I have been immobile.
Neighbors have been great taking care of the kiddo, friends have been great changing schedules for me and being a care service. Husband comes home tonight. It is not going to be a normal homecoming for him. He will have to do a bit more waiting on me than usual.
Regular doctor visit is tomorrow at 9:15 am. I may be in major pain because the pain killers have run out. I hope we do another round of xrays.
Went to the derm doc and found that what I thought was a skin issue was not. She burned off my yucky huge freckles. I am very happy and am looking forward to seeing my skin when my face heals. Vain, I know, but it is just a little thing. Doc even looked at a spot R had. R does not have insurance so this eased her mind. I thought the doctor was very cool
We got home and I crashed. Rachel did laundry and cleaned up the house. WOW what a friend. She has been great while I have been immobile.
Neighbors have been great taking care of the kiddo, friends have been great changing schedules for me and being a care service. Husband comes home tonight. It is not going to be a normal homecoming for him. He will have to do a bit more waiting on me than usual.
Regular doctor visit is tomorrow at 9:15 am. I may be in major pain because the pain killers have run out. I hope we do another round of xrays.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Day 2 of Forced Relaxation
Well Things seem to be getting better. I can walk to the bathroom alone but it takes 20 minutes. Lest you think our house is huge, it usually takes 30 seconds. The pain is pretty bad. So bad that I really do not think the pain meds are even scratching the surface.
I am okay siting down or laying on the couch. Reaching or bending can cause a yelp of pain. I really did want to take some time ff work but this is not what I had in mind. I guess the universe is telling me that to take sick time you must be sick or in pain so much that you cannot function. At last I am getting the sleep I need.
Neighbors have been wonderful taking care of the kiddo. He has spent 2 nights down the street. I am not sure if he realizes that something is wrong with mommy or if he just thinks this is a great vacation. They took him to day care this am. I am curious to know how he did. Neighbor across the street will pick him up this afternoon.
I must make my dermatology apt tomorrow because I have had it for 3 months and I am afraid I have some skin cancer on my face. If I can't drive, maybe some one can drive me. I'll have to play it by ear. I am getting tired of being cooped up though. I wonder if they have wheelchairs at the dermatologist?
Husband gets home tomorrow night. He could not get an earlier flight. At least he tried. I am hoping his fear over my accident does not mess up my healing. He tends to get angry in these sorts of situations instead of sympathetic. I hope I am wrong on this one.
I am okay siting down or laying on the couch. Reaching or bending can cause a yelp of pain. I really did want to take some time ff work but this is not what I had in mind. I guess the universe is telling me that to take sick time you must be sick or in pain so much that you cannot function. At last I am getting the sleep I need.
Neighbors have been wonderful taking care of the kiddo. He has spent 2 nights down the street. I am not sure if he realizes that something is wrong with mommy or if he just thinks this is a great vacation. They took him to day care this am. I am curious to know how he did. Neighbor across the street will pick him up this afternoon.
I must make my dermatology apt tomorrow because I have had it for 3 months and I am afraid I have some skin cancer on my face. If I can't drive, maybe some one can drive me. I'll have to play it by ear. I am getting tired of being cooped up though. I wonder if they have wheelchairs at the dermatologist?
Husband gets home tomorrow night. He could not get an earlier flight. At least he tried. I am hoping his fear over my accident does not mess up my healing. He tends to get angry in these sorts of situations instead of sympathetic. I hope I am wrong on this one.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Not my Favorite Saturday
Yesterday started out all right. I got Sahil in the trailer in 10 minutes. Bailey hppoed right in after him. Jake got in the truck without incident. I drove down to BFF neighbor to trade horses. Bailey would stay there and Timmy would be loaded up. Timmy was going to Rachel's for a bit and Bailey would stay to keep Monty company. Timmy got in without any trouble and we headed to Rachel's.
When we got there, Jake hopped out and said he wanted to ride. Then he decided to play with his trucks instead. I got Sahil ready for my lesson. Kellie as finishing up and David was watching Lorre do some massage work on Timmy.
I lunged Sahil in the round pen and he was listening and being good. We went into the arena. He stood still while I got on. Good Boy!! We had a nice walk to the end of the arena. Then I heard a helicopter. No big deal, they come over our house all the time. This time it seemed to be getting louder and louder. Sahil was getting nervous. I though for a minute that I should hop off until it went by. Then I thought how well he did with the motorcycle the other day so I decided to ride through this.
He took off into a trot and then canter. The gate was open so I thought I would turn him away from it. The helicopter sounded like it was going to land in the arena. Sahil took off out the gate at a gallop. Long legs I thought to myself. "Help" I yelled to no one in particular. I did not want to fall off. I heard Rachel yell "Bail!" On the driveway? no way! I thought the front gate was open and that is the way we were headed. I did not want to end up on the street.
I made up my mind. I tried to turn him one last time. He slowed. I had no stirrups at this point. I bailed off the side.
The next thing I saw was paramedics over me. I knew the day, year and all the other questions they asked me. I needed to know where Jake was? Did he see any on this? No Kellie had him in the sand box. The ride was like a dream. I heard that we were buzzed by a helicopter. Sahil took off. Apparently I was riding so well no one thought I was in trouble.
I was unconscious for about 3 minutes. My tongue was purple and going back in my throat. Lorre and Rachel pried my mouth open and pulled my tongue out. I started breathing and came to. They called 911. The ambulance was there in 10 minutes and took me to Brackenridge. I made conversation with the paramedics. They showed me my helmet with the crack in it. The EMT trainee tried to get an IV in my wrist but the vein kept rolling. They finally got it in my elbow.
The emergency room was quiet so I was attended to right away. They cut my shirt off and I begged them not to cut off my new full seat breeches. We got them off without having to cut them. WHEW! My vital were good and they thought I may have a mild concussion. Bt they were more concerned with the back pain. off to X-ray I went. The doctor came back and said the x-rays looked okay. Some arthritus in my joints (didn't know about that!) and calcium deposits around the old compound fracture.
Rachel came in and read the charts. Then she helped me get dressed. We needed a shirt so the nurse got me a paper shirt. Getting up was nearly impossible. I told the doctor I needed some pain medication. Rachel told him I needed muscle relaxants. I got wheeled to check out while R got the truck. I told the doctor that my groin area really hurt. He took another look at the x-ray and said I may have a small pelvic fracture. There is nothing they could do about that. I just needed to rest.
I could not have made it to the truck without Rachel. It was so painful to walk. Sitting does not hurt but walking is near about impossible. Rachel got me settled in at home on the couch.
David and Kellie had taken Jake home in my truck. He had lunch there and crashed on their couch for a bit. Terri went over to get him from David and Kellie's. He went almost too willingly. She brought them up to visit before they went to the park. He kissed me and then ran up to get his pijamas for a sleep over. As of now he is still down there having a great time.
Rachel spent the night, fed me dinner and pain meds, walked me to the bathroom. She tucked me bed in the guest room. She slept in our room.
This morning I am still so sore. I can barely walk. I know I am going to need my muscles worked on when I can work again. I have already called in sick to work but I determined to get to my dermatologist on Tuesday.
So where is husband during all this? In England covering the British Open. He volunteered to come home early if it was possible. I would like to have him home but I am afraid he is going to want me to stop riding. hat is such a huge part of me and I know if it had not been for the copter, we wold have been fine. At least we got that over with at Rachel's and not on a trail somewhere. I must be strong.
So now I lay on the couch, trying to ignore the pain. Trying to heel. Thank heavens for friends and neighbors. I am fortunate to have them in my life. I hope I can repay all the favors.
When we got there, Jake hopped out and said he wanted to ride. Then he decided to play with his trucks instead. I got Sahil ready for my lesson. Kellie as finishing up and David was watching Lorre do some massage work on Timmy.
I lunged Sahil in the round pen and he was listening and being good. We went into the arena. He stood still while I got on. Good Boy!! We had a nice walk to the end of the arena. Then I heard a helicopter. No big deal, they come over our house all the time. This time it seemed to be getting louder and louder. Sahil was getting nervous. I though for a minute that I should hop off until it went by. Then I thought how well he did with the motorcycle the other day so I decided to ride through this.
He took off into a trot and then canter. The gate was open so I thought I would turn him away from it. The helicopter sounded like it was going to land in the arena. Sahil took off out the gate at a gallop. Long legs I thought to myself. "Help" I yelled to no one in particular. I did not want to fall off. I heard Rachel yell "Bail!" On the driveway? no way! I thought the front gate was open and that is the way we were headed. I did not want to end up on the street.
I made up my mind. I tried to turn him one last time. He slowed. I had no stirrups at this point. I bailed off the side.
The next thing I saw was paramedics over me. I knew the day, year and all the other questions they asked me. I needed to know where Jake was? Did he see any on this? No Kellie had him in the sand box. The ride was like a dream. I heard that we were buzzed by a helicopter. Sahil took off. Apparently I was riding so well no one thought I was in trouble.
I was unconscious for about 3 minutes. My tongue was purple and going back in my throat. Lorre and Rachel pried my mouth open and pulled my tongue out. I started breathing and came to. They called 911. The ambulance was there in 10 minutes and took me to Brackenridge. I made conversation with the paramedics. They showed me my helmet with the crack in it. The EMT trainee tried to get an IV in my wrist but the vein kept rolling. They finally got it in my elbow.
The emergency room was quiet so I was attended to right away. They cut my shirt off and I begged them not to cut off my new full seat breeches. We got them off without having to cut them. WHEW! My vital were good and they thought I may have a mild concussion. Bt they were more concerned with the back pain. off to X-ray I went. The doctor came back and said the x-rays looked okay. Some arthritus in my joints (didn't know about that!) and calcium deposits around the old compound fracture.
Rachel came in and read the charts. Then she helped me get dressed. We needed a shirt so the nurse got me a paper shirt. Getting up was nearly impossible. I told the doctor I needed some pain medication. Rachel told him I needed muscle relaxants. I got wheeled to check out while R got the truck. I told the doctor that my groin area really hurt. He took another look at the x-ray and said I may have a small pelvic fracture. There is nothing they could do about that. I just needed to rest.
I could not have made it to the truck without Rachel. It was so painful to walk. Sitting does not hurt but walking is near about impossible. Rachel got me settled in at home on the couch.
David and Kellie had taken Jake home in my truck. He had lunch there and crashed on their couch for a bit. Terri went over to get him from David and Kellie's. He went almost too willingly. She brought them up to visit before they went to the park. He kissed me and then ran up to get his pijamas for a sleep over. As of now he is still down there having a great time.
Rachel spent the night, fed me dinner and pain meds, walked me to the bathroom. She tucked me bed in the guest room. She slept in our room.
This morning I am still so sore. I can barely walk. I know I am going to need my muscles worked on when I can work again. I have already called in sick to work but I determined to get to my dermatologist on Tuesday.
So where is husband during all this? In England covering the British Open. He volunteered to come home early if it was possible. I would like to have him home but I am afraid he is going to want me to stop riding. hat is such a huge part of me and I know if it had not been for the copter, we wold have been fine. At least we got that over with at Rachel's and not on a trail somewhere. I must be strong.
So now I lay on the couch, trying to ignore the pain. Trying to heel. Thank heavens for friends and neighbors. I am fortunate to have them in my life. I hope I can repay all the favors.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Runaway feeling
I was coming in this morning from feeding and heard a loud hummmmmmmm. I followed it and saw purple sage was in bloom, thick with purpley pink blossoms. As I got closer, I saw it was also a bee buffet. There were large bumbles, small bumbles, honey bees all over it. The buzzing was amazing. I stepped back to see that many of the blossoms had fallen on the ground creating a pink path through the yard. From under the feathery leaves of the mesquite tree, it looked like a fairy path. I dreamed for a moment that I could walk down that path and enter a new beautiful ethereal world.
I grabbed the camera, captured the scene and went inside.
Later, my son wanted to hear Pat Metheney's "Last Train Home" on the way into work this morning. The song's main groove sounds like a train. I could just image watching the countryside passing by as I looked out the train window.
As the song played I drifted off into my imagination and wondered about running away. Just not going to work. packing some clothes and driving until I saw a place that looked interesting enough to stop and look around. Not taking highways, just back roads through small towns. Not telling my family where I was going, maybe leaving while husband was out of town. I think I'd like to take my son. We would have this adventure together.
I have this fantasy often. I imagine the panic as people try to find me/us. I imagine the peace of having no schedule or responsibilities. Of course I would need money but that is just too practical to dream about.
I need to run away.
I grabbed the camera, captured the scene and went inside.
Later, my son wanted to hear Pat Metheney's "Last Train Home" on the way into work this morning. The song's main groove sounds like a train. I could just image watching the countryside passing by as I looked out the train window.
As the song played I drifted off into my imagination and wondered about running away. Just not going to work. packing some clothes and driving until I saw a place that looked interesting enough to stop and look around. Not taking highways, just back roads through small towns. Not telling my family where I was going, maybe leaving while husband was out of town. I think I'd like to take my son. We would have this adventure together.
I have this fantasy often. I imagine the panic as people try to find me/us. I imagine the peace of having no schedule or responsibilities. Of course I would need money but that is just too practical to dream about.
I need to run away.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
AAHhhh Sleep
Husband went out of town yesterday. I am excited that I will be able to get un-interupted sleep. There is something to be said for separate bedrooms, especially when one partner is dealing with allergies or a cold.
Husband is not a nice person when he is half asleep. The other night I went to bed stuffy. I swear I was still awake when he told me I was snoring. I am awake, how can I be snoring? You were, trust me, he said. I rolled over onto my stomach and drifted off.
SMACK! His arm, like a catapult, flew up and his hand smacked my back. WHAT! Okay maybe he had an involuntary sleep moment or bad dream. I drift off again. THUMP! the hand hits my back again. Geez....This went on a few more times in the night.
At 4am he leaps out of bed with an annoyed " Geeezus Christ! " and stomps into the bathroom. "what?" says a confused me. "was I snoring?"
He comes out and pleads that I see a doctor about the snoring. He gets back in bed and I lay there afraid to go to sleep and afraid to breath. I decided to go downstairs to the guest room where I get another 3 hours of un-interupted sleep.
So what I wondered was, why can't he be sympathetic to my illness and lovely go quietly downstairs himself to sleep? That is what I do when he is sick. The next night I slept in the guest room again and he seemed upset about it. Not sure why because he got a good night's rest as well as me!
Husband is not a nice person when he is half asleep. The other night I went to bed stuffy. I swear I was still awake when he told me I was snoring. I am awake, how can I be snoring? You were, trust me, he said. I rolled over onto my stomach and drifted off.
SMACK! His arm, like a catapult, flew up and his hand smacked my back. WHAT! Okay maybe he had an involuntary sleep moment or bad dream. I drift off again. THUMP! the hand hits my back again. Geez....This went on a few more times in the night.
At 4am he leaps out of bed with an annoyed " Geeezus Christ! " and stomps into the bathroom. "what?" says a confused me. "was I snoring?"
He comes out and pleads that I see a doctor about the snoring. He gets back in bed and I lay there afraid to go to sleep and afraid to breath. I decided to go downstairs to the guest room where I get another 3 hours of un-interupted sleep.
So what I wondered was, why can't he be sympathetic to my illness and lovely go quietly downstairs himself to sleep? That is what I do when he is sick. The next night I slept in the guest room again and he seemed upset about it. Not sure why because he got a good night's rest as well as me!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Smitty's BBQ Lockhart

Lockhart, Texas- Hungry neighbors descend upon Lockart BBQ joint buying all the brisket and ribs. Customers leave sad and confused as the place closes due to the sell out.
Okay not really, but it did feel like that as husband brought a pound of brisket, one sausage link, 2 ribs and one pork chop to the table. He plunked the paper wrapped meat on the table, grease seeping through. Fave friends from the 'hood came over with about the same amount. They also got sides. I didn't want to waste space in my stomach with potato salad or slaw, just a lite beer to wash it down. Kiddo stuffed his face with juicy meat and soft white bread.
I started with the pork chop. You need to eat that when it is hot before it gets dried out. Then I had a small taste of brisket but went on to demolish the ribs. The meat pulled right off the bone. It melted in my mouth. Now for the brisket. We once made the mistake of buying shoulder which has less fat but is not as succulent. WE got REAL brisket today. I leisurely cut my meat and savored each bite.
The only interruption in the feast was to get up to get kiddo a chocolate ice cream cone for a buck. Got him set up and had a bit more brisket. Smitty's was dead on today. The meat was wonderful.
We all piled into the hot car, slipped into our food comas and were pretty quiet the whole ride home.
We could not help but notice a bit of bad luck for Kruetz's. They are building an over pass over the railroad tracks. This make the highway bypass Kruetz's somewhat so you really have to know were you are going to get there. Fortunately for them, the building is so huge you cannot miss it, you may pass it but you will not miss it.
Another OMG moment

The phone rang late Thursday night after I just told our neighbor that husband and I were going to have this exciting photo shoot the next morning.
"OH MY GOD, " exclaimed the wife of our neighbor, " You are going to actually get to meet Robert Earl Keen?"
"Yep," I relied with a smile as big as the state plastered on my face.
So Friday morning, we all got up early and prepared to drive to the small country town where we were to do the shoot. I hardly slept the night before and had 2 dreams about REK. Husband was so keyed up that he had to run at 5am to get some of the energy out.
We drove separately because I had to take kiddo in into school. I met husband and his partner on the project at the small dance hall where the shoot was to happen. The hall looked so different without all the people and the tables in the middle of floor instead. The plan was to get all set up and if husband was not set up in time, I would do a mini interview to get audio for a multi media project. I had not written down questions and figured I would wing it as usual. I have had so many imaginary discussions with REK that I was pretty sure I could come up with enough material.
I was standing watching husband do some tests when an attractive blond woman wearing a black sleeveless dress and heels walked into the hall. She walked toward me and I smiled. She introduced herself and I recognized her as REK's manager. Her emails had been short and her phone manner professional. She told me she had Robert in the car. They would be in shortly. Looking back on the morning, I think he was sacked out in the car because he came in looking very sleepy and not quite awake. Polite introductions all around.
They went to the middle of the room and got ready. I was humored by the way REK changed his shirt in the middle of the hall, no reservations, just like... Let's get this show on the road. Melissa explained that we were going to do a little audio for our multi media project while husband finished setting up. He nodded and we went to a table to sit down. I was actually going to have a real conversation with a song writer/singer whose work I really admire. I warned him that I was not a professional music critic, writer or interviewer. And begged that he not laugh if I asked anything silly. I think his may have scared him.
We had a great talk which I will post once I transcribe the audio. He was insightful, funny, and very easy to talk to. I could have gone on for awhile but I knew husband was probably ready. I wrapped it up. When the mich was off. He complimented me by saying I was better than many professionals who had interviewed him. I may have blushed and thanked him saying I have seen him perform many times and had gotten curious about some things.
He went on to the photo part. We had asked him to bring a cowboy hat and guitar. He also brought a mandolin which looked well worn. We ended up using that. While the shoot went on, Melissa the manager and I talked. She is a wonderful person. We had tons to talk about from golf, to music, to kids, all the while she kept an eye on REK to make sure he did not need anything or was getting bored. I could tell she is very good at what she does.
It was getting hot in the dance hall. They had some sort of AC but it was still warm. Husband was sweaty, other photographer was sweaty and I was damp. It was time to quit. I quietly asked M if it would be okay if we had our pic made with REK explaining that I NEVER ask this. M said it would be fine, and REK would not mind at all. Husband scowled at me when I asked REK because in our world it is unprofessional to show that you admire someone and want your picture made with them. REK was cool. In the pic he looks happy, husband looks uneasy and I look like a smiley fool. I wish I could have controled myself better. REK has a very solid arm on you when he poses for a pic.
After we had finished the employees at the hall got pictures and autographs. He was polite and kind to them. They loaded up and headed out. He is off to Italy for vacation. We just kept talking about the shoot. We were still high on the experience. This is not the first time we have been in contact with someone "famous" but it was the first time we had the admiration we do for the person we met.
He was just a nice guy. I will have more on this later. But I wanted to get the memory down now asap before it fades. The pictures were great. I know everyone will love them.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Little Stallion
Dewey is trying so hard to fight for his place in our new little herd. Bailey has decided to let him eat next to him, Sahil still chases him away and Sahil has the scars to prove it. They are constantly fighting for the #2 spot. I am not sure who has it yet.
I was planning on waiting to get Dewey snipped in the Fall when the weather is more favorable for an operation. Cooler, fewer flies and recovery is easier. I am not sure I can wait though.
I was petting his forehead the other day and he decided to be playful and take a nip at my arm. He connected with the delicate underside. Hurt like a MOFO!! I put ice on it but still ended up with a bruise larger than a poker chip that folks keep mistaking for a tattoo gone terribly wrong.
Last night I was feeding them after a pretty hard rain. (YAY RAIN!!) Dewey is last to be fed because he is the baby and needs to learn his place. Not sure he likes this very much. In the process of dumping his feed in his pan, he stepped to left and onto my right foot. I body slammed him off of me and smacked him for getting in and on my space.
"You are getting cut very soon....very soon" I muttered all the way back to the gate.
I was planning on waiting to get Dewey snipped in the Fall when the weather is more favorable for an operation. Cooler, fewer flies and recovery is easier. I am not sure I can wait though.
I was petting his forehead the other day and he decided to be playful and take a nip at my arm. He connected with the delicate underside. Hurt like a MOFO!! I put ice on it but still ended up with a bruise larger than a poker chip that folks keep mistaking for a tattoo gone terribly wrong.
Last night I was feeding them after a pretty hard rain. (YAY RAIN!!) Dewey is last to be fed because he is the baby and needs to learn his place. Not sure he likes this very much. In the process of dumping his feed in his pan, he stepped to left and onto my right foot. I body slammed him off of me and smacked him for getting in and on my space.
"You are getting cut very soon....very soon" I muttered all the way back to the gate.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
It's a Beautiful DAaaayyyyyyyy
I opened the door this morning to surprisingly cool temps. What a difference it makes feeding the horses at 6:15am instead of 7am. They greeted me with a chorus if whinnies, nickers, and Sahil's trademark scream. If I had one more horse, I could have a barbershop quartet. Bailey is the bass, Dewey is the tenor and Sahil the soprano. I just need an alto.
Got them fed and checked for new scrapes or bruises on the young ones. Treated Bailey's thrush with this purple stuff that looks like my pen exploded on my hand. Counted the hay, I have 33 bales left. Since we are having a drought, I need to figure out how to conserve and plan. I have 50 bales on order and I get alfalfa from Rachel's supplier. That should get me through at least 35 weeks.
Finished up and headed back into the house. Saw four roadrunners playing in the side yard. I wondered if it was momma and daddy teaching youngsters how to catch food. I have been seeing 4-5 of them together for a few days now.
Noticed that Daisy was chewing on something on the front lawn. It didn't look like a stick and she looked like she was actually eating something. Upon closer inspection I found that she was in fact eating something. It took me awhile to figure it out but it looked like a rabbit sans head and skin. I kept saying we had fat bunnies and that we should be hunting them. I guess Daisy (the coyote dog) had the same idea. I wondered if this is what the dogs caught when they went out last night at 3:30am.
I went inside and told husband. He noted that we had a Warner Bros. cartoon, except the roadrunners were being left alone by the coyote, who was dining on Bugs Bunny.
Got them fed and checked for new scrapes or bruises on the young ones. Treated Bailey's thrush with this purple stuff that looks like my pen exploded on my hand. Counted the hay, I have 33 bales left. Since we are having a drought, I need to figure out how to conserve and plan. I have 50 bales on order and I get alfalfa from Rachel's supplier. That should get me through at least 35 weeks.
Finished up and headed back into the house. Saw four roadrunners playing in the side yard. I wondered if it was momma and daddy teaching youngsters how to catch food. I have been seeing 4-5 of them together for a few days now.
Noticed that Daisy was chewing on something on the front lawn. It didn't look like a stick and she looked like she was actually eating something. Upon closer inspection I found that she was in fact eating something. It took me awhile to figure it out but it looked like a rabbit sans head and skin. I kept saying we had fat bunnies and that we should be hunting them. I guess Daisy (the coyote dog) had the same idea. I wondered if this is what the dogs caught when they went out last night at 3:30am.
I went inside and told husband. He noted that we had a Warner Bros. cartoon, except the roadrunners were being left alone by the coyote, who was dining on Bugs Bunny.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sahil is Home!

Sahil, my 4 yr old Arabian is home from Rachel's house. Rachel, my BFF (funny to use that when you are over 25 yrs old) and horse trainer, has been putting so much work into him to make sure he is a safe ride for me. I used to have a HUGE buckskin dun that she swore would kill me if I didn't sell him. She was so worried about it that I did.
She gave me Sahil for my birthday a few years ago. He came home after being gone about 4 months. Things had changes since he was home, namely Dewey. The two met in the pasture. Dewey immediately went up to Sahil and started being a pest by nudging and sniffing. Sahil reacted with a swift kick to Dewey's shoulder. He got a few more kicks in before Dewey decided to keep his distance. Bailey, the old grump, played the diplomat, siding with with neither. He allowed both close but would not be involved when the others were sparring.
The next morning I went out and both the young horses were soaked in sweat. They must have been running around all morning. I might have suspected the nasty humidity but Bailey was dry.
Rachel and I rode Sahil and Bailey (respectively) around the 'hood Sunday night. Bailey was slow, as usualy and Sahil was looking around so it was good Rachel rode him. We just did a shorty. My order from her was to ride Sahil as much as possible, even if it is just around the yard.
We did that last night. He was pretty happy to have the attention. Freaked a little as some low branches hit my helmet and made a funny noise. We rode around them and the went back to that area again. He was better. We ended on a good note and then I fed him. Maybe he will associate riding with dinner. That would be good.
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