We're off to Italy! Headed to Positano and Capri. Hope I have packed the right clothes. Hope all goes well. Hope the kiddo has fun with my parents. I am sure he will. We have not exactly told him we are going away for a week or so. He knows Grammie and Granddad are saying for along visit.
I plan to relax. I plan to take pictures. I plan to pretend I live like this all the time...the life of the rich and famous in a 5 star hotel.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ten Little Four Year olds...
We had a birthday party for our little kiddo this past Saturday. His birthday was actually Sunday but we saved that for the family party.
Saturday morning kiddo was having a tough time being good. He was so excited. We told him if he didn't behave, we would have to cancel the party. He thought about this and told us we could cancel the family party on Sunday. He was okay with that, but he still wanted to have the Saturday party with his friends. As if he had a choice....as if we had a choice.
We ordered a Spiderman bouncy that would be delivered sometime that afternoon before the party. Kiddo did not know this but he had asked for one. When the truck came down the drive way, I took him upstairs for a bath. He had no idea what was going on in the front yard. After the bath he came down and saw the bouncy through the window. He was excited but yet not surprised. Of course he wanted to try it out right away. So he and daddy went to bounce.Good thing, because as we discovered later, more than 4 little kids in a bouncy is VERY intimidating for other little kids, HECK, for grown-ups too!
The neighborhood kids arrived first, then the school friends. We had ages 2-6 but mostly 4 year olds. They all got to know each other in the bouncy as they crashed into each other showing off their best moves. Some were afraid and rightly so, it was chaos. There seemed to a be a disjointed lull, so I herded everyone into the house for present opening. We mistakenly did that in one room which got VERY loud. Kids talking and yelling then parents trying to hold conversations over them. It was mind numbing. Okay, everyone out! More bouncy play and outdoor fun.
Then it just got too hot. Everyone came in again. Parents gathered in the kitchen and kids in the playroom. This was fine, manageable even. No kids were maimed or even scratched! parents could gossip, talk and get to know each other. All of kiddo's toys came out of the drawers, cupboards and bins.
Spiderman cupcake cake time! Word of advice for the future: black, gray and blue icing on a cake, not only look gross but are very messy. Have wipes available. Kids love icing of any color though and manage to get it all over their face, arms, hands and even feet. My kiddo was happy to eat just the icing and leave the cake. I am not sure if he has figured out that paper needs to be peeled off the cupcake. Some kids had two! We were happy because I think the remaining cake will get tossed tonight.
I almost forgot the pinata. I bought a different kin this year where the kids pull ribbons to release the candy, not beat it until dad has to come over and split it open with a hack saw. I think I put way too much candy in it but the kids filled their little bags.
It was a fun afternoon but exhausting. I was barely able to function after the party. It may have been the party prep that added to the condition, but at 9:30pm, I crashed. We had just put the kiddo to be an hour before. He was just as wiped.
Saturday morning kiddo was having a tough time being good. He was so excited. We told him if he didn't behave, we would have to cancel the party. He thought about this and told us we could cancel the family party on Sunday. He was okay with that, but he still wanted to have the Saturday party with his friends. As if he had a choice....as if we had a choice.
We ordered a Spiderman bouncy that would be delivered sometime that afternoon before the party. Kiddo did not know this but he had asked for one. When the truck came down the drive way, I took him upstairs for a bath. He had no idea what was going on in the front yard. After the bath he came down and saw the bouncy through the window. He was excited but yet not surprised. Of course he wanted to try it out right away. So he and daddy went to bounce.Good thing, because as we discovered later, more than 4 little kids in a bouncy is VERY intimidating for other little kids, HECK, for grown-ups too!
The neighborhood kids arrived first, then the school friends. We had ages 2-6 but mostly 4 year olds. They all got to know each other in the bouncy as they crashed into each other showing off their best moves. Some were afraid and rightly so, it was chaos. There seemed to a be a disjointed lull, so I herded everyone into the house for present opening. We mistakenly did that in one room which got VERY loud. Kids talking and yelling then parents trying to hold conversations over them. It was mind numbing. Okay, everyone out! More bouncy play and outdoor fun.
Then it just got too hot. Everyone came in again. Parents gathered in the kitchen and kids in the playroom. This was fine, manageable even. No kids were maimed or even scratched! parents could gossip, talk and get to know each other. All of kiddo's toys came out of the drawers, cupboards and bins.
Spiderman cupcake cake time! Word of advice for the future: black, gray and blue icing on a cake, not only look gross but are very messy. Have wipes available. Kids love icing of any color though and manage to get it all over their face, arms, hands and even feet. My kiddo was happy to eat just the icing and leave the cake. I am not sure if he has figured out that paper needs to be peeled off the cupcake. Some kids had two! We were happy because I think the remaining cake will get tossed tonight.
I almost forgot the pinata. I bought a different kin this year where the kids pull ribbons to release the candy, not beat it until dad has to come over and split it open with a hack saw. I think I put way too much candy in it but the kids filled their little bags.
It was a fun afternoon but exhausting. I was barely able to function after the party. It may have been the party prep that added to the condition, but at 9:30pm, I crashed. We had just put the kiddo to be an hour before. He was just as wiped.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Five more days of summer
Tonight was a teaching night. I teach a photojournalism class at the University. Parking at the University is always either a)scarce or b) expensive. Last semester I paid $9 to park in the garage so my car would at least be in the shade. The open lot next door was $8 and not much shade.
This semester I use a pass to get me into a lot that is relatively close to the building where class is held. There is usually a shady spot that I can grab.
Tonight I came out of class, walked across the street enjoying the nice weather. I got to my car and my stomach flip-flopped. There was a friggen boot on my tire! I saw some University guys in the lot.
"Would you all happen to know how I can get the boot off my car?" I asked a sweetly as possible.
"We don't do boots," said the driver.
Funny, I thought, what are all those orange things in the bed of the truck?
"Call number on your ticket," said the driver attempting to be helpful.
Walking over, I saw that it was not so much a ticket but an obnoxious paper slapped right on the driver's side of the windshield. Peeling it off the best I could, I called.
"Why the boot?" I asked. "I have a parking permit that is valid."
The student, I know student because it was one of those thankless jobs that students make tons of money doing because people are always yelling at them or hanging up on them, informed me that I had an outstanding ticket from May.
BACKSTORY: Back in May I went to pick up a final project from a student who promised me she would turn in her then late assignment on this day and leave it in my mailbox. The 15 min parking was full so I pulled into the garage with flashers on. The parking police dude was sitting right there in his golf cart and did not attempt to stop me. I ran upstairs, found NO project in my mailbox and dashed down to my car. The very same parking dude was writing me a ticket. Still writing it!!! Can't you stop and tear it up since I am here? NO he said but you can probably forget it and not get into trouble.
My outstanding ticket had gotten me booted. I walked to the nearest parking garage, paid the fine and slowly walked back to my car. Within minutes the boot man came and took off the boot. I not so merrily went home a little more in debt.
End Note: Husband has an outstanding parking ticket with the city. I keep warning him that he is going to get booted. He has not yet. He laughs at me and assures me the city is too busy to pick on him. We'll see. Unfortunately, I will most likely be driving when it happens. I think I will stick to my cars.
This semester I use a pass to get me into a lot that is relatively close to the building where class is held. There is usually a shady spot that I can grab.
Tonight I came out of class, walked across the street enjoying the nice weather. I got to my car and my stomach flip-flopped. There was a friggen boot on my tire! I saw some University guys in the lot.
"Would you all happen to know how I can get the boot off my car?" I asked a sweetly as possible.
"We don't do boots," said the driver.
Funny, I thought, what are all those orange things in the bed of the truck?
"Call number on your ticket," said the driver attempting to be helpful.
Walking over, I saw that it was not so much a ticket but an obnoxious paper slapped right on the driver's side of the windshield. Peeling it off the best I could, I called.
"Why the boot?" I asked. "I have a parking permit that is valid."
The student, I know student because it was one of those thankless jobs that students make tons of money doing because people are always yelling at them or hanging up on them, informed me that I had an outstanding ticket from May.
BACKSTORY: Back in May I went to pick up a final project from a student who promised me she would turn in her then late assignment on this day and leave it in my mailbox. The 15 min parking was full so I pulled into the garage with flashers on. The parking police dude was sitting right there in his golf cart and did not attempt to stop me. I ran upstairs, found NO project in my mailbox and dashed down to my car. The very same parking dude was writing me a ticket. Still writing it!!! Can't you stop and tear it up since I am here? NO he said but you can probably forget it and not get into trouble.
My outstanding ticket had gotten me booted. I walked to the nearest parking garage, paid the fine and slowly walked back to my car. Within minutes the boot man came and took off the boot. I not so merrily went home a little more in debt.
End Note: Husband has an outstanding parking ticket with the city. I keep warning him that he is going to get booted. He has not yet. He laughs at me and assures me the city is too busy to pick on him. We'll see. Unfortunately, I will most likely be driving when it happens. I think I will stick to my cars.
Moonlight Gardener

Working the night shift has its advantages in that you can get chores done early in the day. Yesterday I shopped, got a good workout in and bought seeds and plants to start my Fall garden. The only problems are a) I am extremely impatient b)I didn't get home until 11pm. I wanted to get the garden started. I read long ago that planting under a full moon is good for plants. Since we had one last night, I decided to plant when I got home. I only got a few tomatoes in the big garden because I started thinking about fire ants. You can't see them in the dark and my memory of being stung by the wasps is still pretty fresh. Stinging things suck.
I took the herbs seeds, chives, cilantro and dill, and prepared a large pot to plant them in. After watering them in, I notice a small lizard in the empty dog dish on the back porch. At first glance, I thought it was a gecko. We have loads of them that come out at night to feed on the bugs attracted by the porch light. I dumped this little guy in my hand and saw that it was a baby Texas Spiny lizard. I held him and could feel his heart beating. His eyes closed and he looked like he was settling in. The warmth from my hand seemed to relax him. I tried to get him to move on to a tree but he would have none of it. A warm hand was a much better option for him on this chilly evening.
I carried him around while I finished my gardening. The idea came to me that maybe I could make a habitat for him inside so he could stay warm. After 30 seconds, I decided that was a very bad idea. I did not have time to find bugs for this little guy and maybe he had a momma who was missing him.
I tried again to get him interested in hopping off into a bush. No go. Maybe a planter? Nope. The wall under the light that attracts a zillion bugs? Ah-ha! Yes, except that his tiny little suction cup feet could not hold on and he slipped down to the wood floor of the porch. I made sure he was okay. He was fine and scurried off. I wonder if he will remember the evening he found a friend with a warm hand.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Working late
A coworker is sick this week so I am working the night shift. Secretly I LOVE to work late. I really enjoy having the mornings to exercise and slowly get going. I actually went to a yoga class this morning that had two of us taking the class. I felt like I had a yoga tutor. It was special.
Husband is home so he was able to pick up the kiddo and get him fed. He just called ma and asked about feeding the horses. WOW. I am impressed he has been super wonderful since he has gotten home, cooking, doing laundry and helping around the house. I am enjoying this and really feel like this is how our lives should be together. I hope we can keep this going for awhile.
Tomorrow Dewey goes in to become less of a man or stallion. He is finally getting gelded. It needs to be done before my parents come to visit. I can just see him pushing them around. They do not need that. I will pick Dewey up on Saturday and he will stay in cool neighbor's barn for a few days since we may get some rain and wind from Hurricane Ike. In my heart I know that we will not get any bad weather because UT canceled the game, evacuations are going well and everyone seems prepared.
The only thing that is worrying me is how I am going to get into work on Friday if the evacuations are clogging up the roads. I may hit the country roads and see if I can get in that way. My motto since my days as a photographer "Always know 3 ways to get one place".
Husband is home so he was able to pick up the kiddo and get him fed. He just called ma and asked about feeding the horses. WOW. I am impressed he has been super wonderful since he has gotten home, cooking, doing laundry and helping around the house. I am enjoying this and really feel like this is how our lives should be together. I hope we can keep this going for awhile.
Tomorrow Dewey goes in to become less of a man or stallion. He is finally getting gelded. It needs to be done before my parents come to visit. I can just see him pushing them around. They do not need that. I will pick Dewey up on Saturday and he will stay in cool neighbor's barn for a few days since we may get some rain and wind from Hurricane Ike. In my heart I know that we will not get any bad weather because UT canceled the game, evacuations are going well and everyone seems prepared.
The only thing that is worrying me is how I am going to get into work on Friday if the evacuations are clogging up the roads. I may hit the country roads and see if I can get in that way. My motto since my days as a photographer "Always know 3 ways to get one place".
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday shoot

I really wanted to write about this sooner, but Saturday I had a lovely relaxing drive to Hempsted TX via Independence, X. I always stop in Independence because of the Antique Rose Emporium. I just love the place! I roam around the ground admiring the garden projects. I usually buy an antique rose or two but it was nearly 95 degrees and I didn't really feel like worrying about them while I had my shoot. I did wonder why a building was missing though. Turns out they had an electrical fire last winter that took out the main building. They are rebuilding and I hope it will still have the quaint charm that the other building had.
Onward to Hempsted to photography my old workout buddy's mom's horses. I had never met Shane's mom just heard about her from Shane. I would be meeting her at her trainer Becky's place. I had it in my mind that Shane's mom had large appaloosas and the trainers place was going to be this imposing place with lots of white fencing and a big white barn. Don't ask me why, it is just what I had in mind since they were close to Houston.
When I turned in the driveway, I was pleasantly surprised. There WAS a kick ass arena but the farm was humble and neat. I met Leslie, Shane's mom. Not what I was expecting at all!! I knew she was petite but I guess I was not expecting short red hair. Becky was just as tiny with short, stylish, blond hair and a very intense gaze.
We walked around and looked at the farm deciding where to shoot and firming up what exactly they were expecting from the photography. We had very pretty warm afternoon light and chose a location by a pond. It was very pretty and Becky's husband had just mowed. Shane's dad was there too taking pics. He was nice too. We all laughed when I told them I was from Timonium because they were from neighboring Hereford in Baltimore County. Small world.
We photographed mares, geldings and Becky's Stallion. I could tell he was special. He was so tank-like and strong looking. He had a kind eye and was very gentle. I could tell he adored Becky. He had a keen taste for spanish moss.
After we were done with the formal pics, we wnet to the front paddock and did some the the old sweet broodmare who likes bananas. The light was so pretty but the horses were more interested in the camera than having their pictures made.
All in all it was a fun day of meeting new people, new horses and making pretty pictures. I really need more of those days. At least I did not want to leave from there with another horse. I really think I have what I need for awhile.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Woman Crush
For the past few weeks I have been trying to set up a photo shoot with a local philantropist/fund raiser. She is an attractive busy mom, wife and general fabulously dressed socialite. I wanted to be angry with her for not making the first shoots we had set up.
"Screw her", I thought, "We don't need her."
Turns out we did so I kept at it. When I finally spoke with her, I realized that she is a busy as I am and I could not help but like her. We went through road block after road block trying to arrange the shoot. We had no staff, she recommended a photographer she likes. That shooter was out of town. Eventually we figured it out. After phone calls and emails, I really wanted to meet her.
The day of the shoot I began work at 8am after taking kiddo to day care. I did not take lunch. Left at 4:30 to go teach my college photo class. Our babysitter picked up kiddo from day care and met me near the shoot. Kiddo and I walked to the location and waiting for her to show up. She took a car service so she would not have to worry about parking and if we were not ready she could wait in air conditioned comfort. My mother-in-law would love her!
She bounded up the walk in her party dress and casual flats. Her make-up and hair perfect. Hugs all around, she charmed us all. She was fun and professional. There was no way I could not like her. In fact, I have a girl crush. I would love to be more like her. Polished, attractive, smart, fun and definitely the person you want at your party. I know why she is such a great event chair, she could get honey from bees with just a smile.
Kiddo liked her too. He was a bit slow to warm up but I could tell her was in awe as well. I hope we see her again someday. She seems pretty wonderful.
"Screw her", I thought, "We don't need her."
Turns out we did so I kept at it. When I finally spoke with her, I realized that she is a busy as I am and I could not help but like her. We went through road block after road block trying to arrange the shoot. We had no staff, she recommended a photographer she likes. That shooter was out of town. Eventually we figured it out. After phone calls and emails, I really wanted to meet her.
The day of the shoot I began work at 8am after taking kiddo to day care. I did not take lunch. Left at 4:30 to go teach my college photo class. Our babysitter picked up kiddo from day care and met me near the shoot. Kiddo and I walked to the location and waiting for her to show up. She took a car service so she would not have to worry about parking and if we were not ready she could wait in air conditioned comfort. My mother-in-law would love her!
She bounded up the walk in her party dress and casual flats. Her make-up and hair perfect. Hugs all around, she charmed us all. She was fun and professional. There was no way I could not like her. In fact, I have a girl crush. I would love to be more like her. Polished, attractive, smart, fun and definitely the person you want at your party. I know why she is such a great event chair, she could get honey from bees with just a smile.
Kiddo liked her too. He was a bit slow to warm up but I could tell her was in awe as well. I hope we see her again someday. She seems pretty wonderful.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Non Labor Day
I get it. I pretty much took the day off. We took it easy, kiddo and I. did not really eat breakfast until 9:30am or so. Later we went to Tractor Supply and Home Depot. We took our time. Kiddo sat on some tractors and I did not care that there were long lines.
I dropped kiddo off at Francis' (aka Bam Bam) house for lunch and went to cut the lawn. Got it done, made some tipsy Arnold Palmer's and went to see everyone. It took kiddo while to even realize that I was there. He was having a great time. Then we wandered down the street to Nathan's house with the pool. Bam Bam, Nathan and kiddo have a great time together.
We hung out and played for hours. Seventies music was playing on the sat. radio, I was sipping my tipsy A.P. and thinking this is how life should. Relaxing on the weekends with neighbors, watching the kids and trying not to think about work tomorrow. In a way, it was very seventies or at least what you see in the movies or remember from childhood.
It was just so good.
I dropped kiddo off at Francis' (aka Bam Bam) house for lunch and went to cut the lawn. Got it done, made some tipsy Arnold Palmer's and went to see everyone. It took kiddo while to even realize that I was there. He was having a great time. Then we wandered down the street to Nathan's house with the pool. Bam Bam, Nathan and kiddo have a great time together.
We hung out and played for hours. Seventies music was playing on the sat. radio, I was sipping my tipsy A.P. and thinking this is how life should. Relaxing on the weekends with neighbors, watching the kids and trying not to think about work tomorrow. In a way, it was very seventies or at least what you see in the movies or remember from childhood.
It was just so good.
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