Every Spring the great Texas tradition is to have photos made of your family, kids, friends, and pets in the beautiful blue (or purple as my kiddo has decided) fields of flowers. All along Texas highways you can see families hopping out of the family truckster and tip toeing to the perfect spot in the middle of the flowers. Usually someone has been before them so there is already an empty space where the flowers have been trampled for a picture. Not sure this is really the best approach to this tradition.
Making a pretty picture of your kid in the bluebonnets seems like a simple thing to do, plop them down, get them to smile and snappity snap!
The reality is more like bribe the child to sit into the middle of the flowers where there are certain to be fire ants or bees. Having found a bug free spot, you need to then tell you child, if they are old enough to understand you, not to pick the flowers or not to eat them if they are under two. The child is now wondering why he is sitting there in the middle of itchy flowers with mom and dad trying to make him smile.
As a photographer and a mother, I have learned that patience is key, yet you have to be ready for that instant when a smile appears. Miss it and mom and dad are annoyed that they have to keep trying to make Mr.Fussypants laugh or smile. Of course they are keeping a brave face for you, the photographer, because they do not want you to know that their child is anything but lovely, smart and happy all the time.
I take my own shots of my kiddo. I also let him take some of me. He shot a good one last year! We trade and it makes him feel like it is a game for both of us. Since digital cameras are so small, easy to use and have tons of memory, there really is no such thing as a wasted picture. Remember that sometimes the "no smile" pics are cute too. Have them try a silly face. Be a clown. Be a princess. Use your surprise face! All fun for little ones to try. I try to get him closer to me so I can actually see his face, then I can fill the frame with flowers.
My other tricks include not going to the side of the highway. It is dangerous: traffic, snakes, fire ants. Look around neighborhoods and parks. The Wildflower Center has a designated spot to help you out. I also heard that the Mueller Development has some lovely areas.
My neighborhood has a bunch blooming along the easements. I can frame the shot so they look endless. You can alway plant your own patch as well but think ahead. Plant this Fall for possible blooms in Spring. I have found that the second year is usually better.
As for a diversions...yes, bring bribes, bubbles work will too or a ball to toss. Anything to keep those little eyes up.