Thursday, June 19, 2008

Baby birds

We have a bird's nest in a hanging planter by the front porch. I used to water the baskets regularly until one day I watered and a small bird darted out of the basket and angrily twittered at me.

I stopped watering. The basket was too high for me to check everyday without taking it down. I had been curious to see what the bird family was up to.

Yesterday when I got home from work, I got my answer. I saw a tiny baby bird dead on the front walk. I am not sure what got it but it was clearly dead. I buried it nearby not even thinking it came from the hanging basket. I was looking straight up into the oak tree looking for the nest.

I sadly walked up the front porch steps thinking about poor momma bird missing her baby and perhaps poor snake who didn't get his dinner either. Pondering the cruelty of nature, I saw baby bird #2. This one was not dead and was right under the hanging basket. It looked at me blinking its big baby bird eyes. It was pretty ugly. Bald in spots, gray fuzzy feathers in other spots boney and awkward.

Not being sure if it was true that you should not pick up a baby animal because momma will reject it, I looked for a way to get baby back into the nest. I found a magazine insert and an old bubble wand. I carefully scooted the baby bird onto the insert. it pooped in fright.

I got the basket down and saw 2 other babies in the nest, just as ugly, helpless and small. The baby slid off the insert into the nest head first. I was hoping it had enough strength to turn around.

I have been trying to keep an eye on the nest to see if momma has been coming back. I think she has been because the basket swings a bit when it is not windy. I have not heard them peeping though. I hope they do it when I am at work. I hate to think of taking down the basket with 3 dead baby birds in it. Blech.

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