Husband and I are big fans of Robert Earl Keen. Our incredibly cool and fun neighbors down the street love him too. He is a wonderful story teller backed by a fabulously talented band. So one night at a Gruene Hall show, we decided to see as many shows this year as possible. Not so hard because he plays locally quite often. We have been to 4 shows so far. They have all been pretty different because of venue, fans and I would have to say, weather.
My analysis on the four so far:
Gruene Hall: Favorite place to see him so far. We have been there twice. The crowd is older but fun. The young ones that are there are in a few pockets so they are not in your face stupid. He is relaxed at this venue and ready to have fun. He plays longer here than the other places we have seen. It is almost like it is his home turf. You gotta really want to see him if you drive all the way to Gruene so the chatter is minimal and enthusiasm high. The only drag is when you get some geeky hulk of a man step in front of you wearing a cowboy hat that you cannot see around. He then tries, in vain, to dance with his way to pretty and young date but steps into you while doing so. You then develop the sharpest elbows in Texas and discourage him from dancing on you again.
La Zona Rosa: packed venue much to pack up front to see there. We stood to the side and had a great view of Rich Brotherton and drummer Tom V.S.( who is always amazing to watch). Was not one of REK's best nights. Did not seem into it. Crowd was loud and I felt like I was at a bar rather than a show.
Kerrville: We went to see him play a fund raiser for the Hill Country Youth Orchestra at the new performing arts theater they have there. We actually had seats!! Front row seats! they were on the Brotherton side but again, good side to be on because his guitar work is great. This show was fun, the crowd was subdued but REK was in rare form, telling the long version of stories and being quite charming.
Stubbs in Austin: I knew this one was going to be a challenge. Frat boys, smoking and popular venue. Our fun neighbors had seen smaller shows there but I knew this one was going to be packed.We stood in the back for awhile during the opening act to see what was what. Slowly we snaked up through the crowd. After the opening act was done we slithered up even closer, annoying people because the men-folk are tallish. Luckly they are also slim and have charming smiles so they were able to smooth the furrowed brows. The concert began and all of a sudden I had tall cowboy hatted men in front. Curses!! The the girl in front of me pulled in her 6 foot 8 inch boyfriend and that was it for me. Could not see a thing. I scooched over closer to our friends who had a good vantage point. I stood behind a not to tall guy whose shoulder I could see over perfectly. He was great about standing still and not letting anyone get too close to him. I was finally feeling the love of REK. It was a good show despite the fact that it was "hotter than a furnace fan".
I think it was better for people watching though than concert watching. I spent time watching this barely legal boy who probably got in with a fake ID. He bopped around, dancing with his buds constantly doing the hook em' with his right hand in the air. Hellooooo REK is an Aggie. He smoked as his friends pulled out their cigs. He smoked like I did in 7th grade, not really inhaling and then tossing it halfway through. He was very careful to make sure his hair looked like he thought it should. He was funny. Then came the dancers next to us. Dressed to hook up, the swayed and wiggled hoping to the eye of REK. Arms in the air, invading the space of everyone around them, they danced and screamed. Party girls for sure.
As we filed out of the venue, like cattle on the way to slaughter, our neighbor wondered if he was getting too old to go to these types of shows. I saw all ages there, from grandmoms to housewives, cowboys to frat boys. I wonder if we are getting to used to being comfortable to go to these shows. Maybe a CD on a cool patio with no bathroom line and free cold beers in the fridge would be better, or just wait for the small club appearances.
Still REK rocks. Would love to have him and the band over to dinner and then he can sing his front porch song on my front porch.