Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

Why is it so hard to get into a groove of something you know you ought to be doing but cannot seem to get started. So many examples come to mind: cleaning the house regularly, flossing, eating right, hanging up what you have just taken thing is church.

Religious holidays always remind me of this. I grew up Methodist. It was a great loving church with a kind minister and a friendly congregation. I felt at home there. I did Bible school in the summer, was active in youth group, sang in the choir when I had time and even felt comfortable enough to disagree with the pastor on the theme of a youth service. Clowns..yuck, I boycotted the service when I normally would have had a solo and been a strong presence in the service.

To tell the truth I miss church. THAT kind of church. I am not comfortable with the mega church my parents go to. I want hymnals not lyrics projected on the wall and a rock band.

I want structure. I want a sermon that means something to me. I want to shake the pastors hand as I leave and say, "thanks, that sermon spoke to me". I want my son to have a strong moral base learning the stories of the Bible from someone other than me.

So what is stopping me? Getting out of bed and dressed Sunday morning, going by myself is not really appealing, and then of course the search for a church that is close yet fits my comfort level.

I honesty feel hypocritical celebrating these religious holidays, Christmas included, with out a church service being a part of everything. We should have gone to church before brunch.

All in all, it was a swell weekend spent with friends, alas not blood family, as they are to far away. We shared our friend's family and they made of feel like one of them. Two Easter egg hunts, one pinata bashing (not very Christian to bash a bunny for candy), egg dying, cascarone breaking and a very grumpy child who no doubt OD'd on sugar made for a fun, busy weekend. I should have squished church in there somehow, but maybe with all the love and sharing that was happening, God (or whatever higher power you believe in) will forgive us. In my church growing up, he would have.

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