Sunday, March 9, 2008

It all starts here

So I have been wondering how many people create dialogues with real and imaginary people while driving to work, swimming laps or just daydreaming.

I do it all the time. I think it is a form of self therapy, much like blogging is. The purpose of this blog is to get my thoughts down into words. Solidify them. I don't think this will matter to anyone but me but that's fine.

I keep dreaming about a neighbor of mine. He is nice and not single. I am also nice and not single. In the dreams this does not matter one bit. Today I heard some things about him that made him more real, more human than the dream neighbor. nothing horrible but it just made me see that the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence.

In my imaginary conversation with him today he asked me about my relationship with my husband.
"I know he loves me"
"How long have you been together?"
"Geez, 15 years this Fall. Maybe we have become too comfortable with each other?"
"What would you like?"
"I want to be appreciated. I want him to do things to let me know I am appreciated. Not get flowers or anything but just little things."
"Such as?"
" Give me an ice cold beer, take the top off and wrap it in a napkin so my hand does not get wet, like you did last night. Or today when the landscape guy came by to give me an estimate, he took his sunglasses off to let me see his eyes. Maybe that is not appreciation but it was special in a way. Personal maybe."
"Have you told him any of this?"
"Have you ever tried to tell someone who is very sensitive that they are insensitive? They always put it back on you."

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