Friday, January 30, 2009

SLow Blogging

The New York Times had an item a few months ago about slow blogging. The premise was that to blog, you need not blog every day, just when you felt you had something to say. I would like to use that as an excuse for not blogging lately but I simply have been swamped at home and at work. Blogging, for me, can be anything from a good story to verbal ramble about nothing, like a Seinfeld episode. Thus the variety here. I will try to improve the frequency.

So what has been going on since the New Year arrived.....

My horse are all home but I have spent very little time riding them. This causes immense guilt because I have wonderful horses that need to be ridden so they can improve. One weekend it is the weather, one weekend no baby sitter, the next weekend I am sick. This weekend I AM riding MY horse in the neighborhood. I need to get over the issues lingering from the big FALL last summer. My back is still a bit sore but with stretching and working out is slowly improving. The guilt needs to go away too. I just wonder why I am spending all this money on the horses when I am not riding them. I love them. I love having them at home but they need to be more than yard art.

Kiddo and I got sick last week and were out from day care/work just about a week. I should have stayed home on inauguration day but really, how could I? It was an important day and I wanted to spend it at the paper, where I would be allowed to watch it on TV.
This turned out to be a wise move because the next three days I was held hostage to the pre-school cable channel Noggin. I love it, but not solidly for 3 days. It was the only was to get kiddo to be still. When medicated, he felt great and tried to bounce all over the place. As soon as it wore off, he crashed and it was obvious how sick he was. It took us five days to return to normal, although he is still coughing. Now the rest of my department at work has it. We had three out sick the other day. Basically, 1/3 of the staff.

Speaking of work, we are apparently the last of the papers our size to offer early retirement packages. We have staved off layoffs and such but the request for early retirements has finally come. We will see who might take it. We are not sold yet but there have been interested parties touring. There is an uneasy mood around the newsroom but I am trying to remain optimistic that we will have a future. I cannot imagine a world without a local news source. I really do not consider TV news journalism. Who will be the watch dogs? Why doesn't the public care about this? If they read news online, don't they realize where that information comes from? Without journalist we will become a nation of gossips and rumor mongers.

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