Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jake says....

Some gems from my son's mouth last year.....

Jake has decided that there is another side to Santa. “I want Santa to take my bed.” “I want Santa to take my shirts with snaps, sweaters and jackets.” What will Santa do with Jake’s things? Who knows.

Oma brought Jake 101 Dalmations, the original animated version. It has quickly become a favorite. We get requests daily to watch “the domination puppies”.

“Mommy I don’t like you on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I only like you on Mondays and Wednesdays and Fridays.” Jake was mad at me because I didn’t bring him a treat after school.

Jake has learned to use the potty. He was in the bathroom a long time last night so when Daddy went to check on him he said "You need to do me some privacy."

One cold morning Jake wanted to wear shorts. Dad explained that he needed to wear long pants or he would freeze his patootie off. Jake won the battle and when Mom picked him up from day care, he proudly announced ‘Look Mom, I still have my patootie!”

Drawing letters with Daddy, Jake decides that an H is a straight A.

Mommy how do you “smell” the word XXXX? I keep telling him it is SMELL

Imaginary friends are Friendship, Fabio and Hardboil. More friends come later Heart and Pinefapple. I think Friendship is his favorite.

5/29 Riding into school this morning Jake sees a man on a motorcycle all decked out in leather, goatee, grizzled face and says “Look mom, a pirate on a motorcycle!”

“I don’t know Jake”
“Ya gotta know!”
“NO I don’t!”
“No, Tell ME now!”

Trying to find a park for a playdate Jake says “I know where it is. I am 4, I know everything.”

After making a fuss about coming with mommy to early vote, Jake decides he likes it as we leave he says “ Mommy, I’m sad.” “ Why, honey?” “ I am sad because we are done voting.” This drew a chuckle from a passerby.

Jake’s birthday we decided to have 2 parties, a friend party and a family party on the real day. Friday night before the party, he is misbehaving so we discuss the possibility with him of being good or canceling the party. He thinks about it for a minute and says “ I want to be bad and we can cancel the family party.”

Hot lava = “Hotverlava”

“Daddy, What is a Barack Obama?”

Intramatic = automatic

Dyna coke = diet coke

Daddy was talking to a woman friend on his cell. Jake heard a woman’s voice and sad “I wanna talk to momma!” Daddy went on talking and Jake repeated himself louder. Daddy told him it was not momma on the phone. Jake said under his breath but loud enough for Daddy to hear “Stupid old Daddy”

Co-pilot = go-pilot

I can't wait to see what 2009 brings.


Orland said...

Nice blog...
i enjoy it very much :)

Pls visit my blog at:
thank you so much

Best regard,

Megan Peyton said...

This reminds me of the 4 year old I babysit. Sometimes when I come over he's mad that his parents are leaving and he tells me "I need my privacy." Haha that age is so funny!

simon said...

I love this! Esp. the "I'm four I know everything" comment.