Friday, September 5, 2008

Woman Crush

For the past few weeks I have been trying to set up a photo shoot with a local philantropist/fund raiser. She is an attractive busy mom, wife and general fabulously dressed socialite. I wanted to be angry with her for not making the first shoots we had set up.

"Screw her", I thought, "We don't need her."

Turns out we did so I kept at it. When I finally spoke with her, I realized that she is a busy as I am and I could not help but like her. We went through road block after road block trying to arrange the shoot. We had no staff, she recommended a photographer she likes. That shooter was out of town. Eventually we figured it out. After phone calls and emails, I really wanted to meet her.

The day of the shoot I began work at 8am after taking kiddo to day care. I did not take lunch. Left at 4:30 to go teach my college photo class. Our babysitter picked up kiddo from day care and met me near the shoot. Kiddo and I walked to the location and waiting for her to show up. She took a car service so she would not have to worry about parking and if we were not ready she could wait in air conditioned comfort. My mother-in-law would love her!

She bounded up the walk in her party dress and casual flats. Her make-up and hair perfect. Hugs all around, she charmed us all. She was fun and professional. There was no way I could not like her. In fact, I have a girl crush. I would love to be more like her. Polished, attractive, smart, fun and definitely the person you want at your party. I know why she is such a great event chair, she could get honey from bees with just a smile.

Kiddo liked her too. He was a bit slow to warm up but I could tell her was in awe as well. I hope we see her again someday. She seems pretty wonderful.

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