Thursday, June 26, 2008
Pest Control part 2
They did it again. Daisy flushed the armadillo out of the bushes by the house and herded it right into Gatsby's waiting jaws. I didn't hear the ruckus though. I am not sure where they were. usually they bark while they are attacking but last night was remarkable quiet.
When I went out to feed the horses this morning Daisy was sitting by the completely intact kill looking proud. I fed and came back with my camera. Then she started looking guilty. She would not look at me or the armadillo. Finally she did so I snapped a shot. Then the other one came round wanting to know what was up. I posed them like two hunters with their prize. Gatsby, as usual, was oblivious. He probably didn't even remember he killed it. After the picture, he went up to it, sniffed it and then promptly peed on it.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Chicken Farm
Have you ever been to a chicken farm? I went to one today where the chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and peacocks were all free range. The owner is a man from Bordeaux, France and he lives in Central Texas now with his wife and toddler.
I actually got to go because this was a photo assignment for 7:30AM (!) ten minutes from my house. Yes, I live near a chicken farm, now I know. I got there and after I opened the gate the watch peacock would not let me drive to the house. He kept darting in front of my car. I knocked on the door and discovered that I woke up the farmer. A rarity I am sure. He over slept he said, but got out the door and showed me around. Turkey on the roof of the coop, ducks and chickens living together, complete fowl anarchy.
He told me stories of how fast chickens grow, and what wildlife eat them. I didn't know that owls only eat the heads and necks and leave the rest. What a waste! He recently shot two bobcats he thought might be brothers because they kept raiding the yard. He kept the bodies to sell to a taxidermist. What a frugal idea! We talked about how the French like seeing heads on fowl at the market but Americans do not. How is compost heap is kept wet and cooks to 114 degrees so it breaks down the dead bodies of the chickens that are killed by owls.
He had a jack russell terrier, a black lab puppy and a young runt pig that he and his family took in. The pig and the terrier would snuffle the chickens. the puppy and the pig kept nosing my legs to where I was not sure who was there. The pig would stick his snout in the back of my knee so hard that my knee would buckle when I was not expecting it. Still he was cute.
Tomorrow I go back for the slaughter. He plans to kill and process some ducks. Not sure how photogenic that will be. He also is planning to make duck legs with fries for me to shoot. I hope I get to taste as well! He used to work at one of the best Italian restaurants in town. I am confident he is a good cook.
We shall see!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Not getting any younger for REK
Husband and I are big fans of Robert Earl Keen. Our incredibly cool and fun neighbors down the street love him too. He is a wonderful story teller backed by a fabulously talented band. So one night at a Gruene Hall show, we decided to see as many shows this year as possible. Not so hard because he plays locally quite often. We have been to 4 shows so far. They have all been pretty different because of venue, fans and I would have to say, weather.
My analysis on the four so far:
Gruene Hall: Favorite place to see him so far. We have been there twice. The crowd is older but fun. The young ones that are there are in a few pockets so they are not in your face stupid. He is relaxed at this venue and ready to have fun. He plays longer here than the other places we have seen. It is almost like it is his home turf. You gotta really want to see him if you drive all the way to Gruene so the chatter is minimal and enthusiasm high. The only drag is when you get some geeky hulk of a man step in front of you wearing a cowboy hat that you cannot see around. He then tries, in vain, to dance with his way to pretty and young date but steps into you while doing so. You then develop the sharpest elbows in Texas and discourage him from dancing on you again.
La Zona Rosa: packed venue much to pack up front to see there. We stood to the side and had a great view of Rich Brotherton and drummer Tom V.S.( who is always amazing to watch). Was not one of REK's best nights. Did not seem into it. Crowd was loud and I felt like I was at a bar rather than a show.
Kerrville: We went to see him play a fund raiser for the Hill Country Youth Orchestra at the new performing arts theater they have there. We actually had seats!! Front row seats! they were on the Brotherton side but again, good side to be on because his guitar work is great. This show was fun, the crowd was subdued but REK was in rare form, telling the long version of stories and being quite charming.
Stubbs in Austin: I knew this one was going to be a challenge. Frat boys, smoking and popular venue. Our fun neighbors had seen smaller shows there but I knew this one was going to be packed.We stood in the back for awhile during the opening act to see what was what. Slowly we snaked up through the crowd. After the opening act was done we slithered up even closer, annoying people because the men-folk are tallish. Luckly they are also slim and have charming smiles so they were able to smooth the furrowed brows. The concert began and all of a sudden I had tall cowboy hatted men in front. Curses!! The the girl in front of me pulled in her 6 foot 8 inch boyfriend and that was it for me. Could not see a thing. I scooched over closer to our friends who had a good vantage point. I stood behind a not to tall guy whose shoulder I could see over perfectly. He was great about standing still and not letting anyone get too close to him. I was finally feeling the love of REK. It was a good show despite the fact that it was "hotter than a furnace fan".
I think it was better for people watching though than concert watching. I spent time watching this barely legal boy who probably got in with a fake ID. He bopped around, dancing with his buds constantly doing the hook em' with his right hand in the air. Hellooooo REK is an Aggie. He smoked as his friends pulled out their cigs. He smoked like I did in 7th grade, not really inhaling and then tossing it halfway through. He was very careful to make sure his hair looked like he thought it should. He was funny. Then came the dancers next to us. Dressed to hook up, the swayed and wiggled hoping to the eye of REK. Arms in the air, invading the space of everyone around them, they danced and screamed. Party girls for sure.
As we filed out of the venue, like cattle on the way to slaughter, our neighbor wondered if he was getting too old to go to these types of shows. I saw all ages there, from grandmoms to housewives, cowboys to frat boys. I wonder if we are getting to used to being comfortable to go to these shows. Maybe a CD on a cool patio with no bathroom line and free cold beers in the fridge would be better, or just wait for the small club appearances.
Still REK rocks. Would love to have him and the band over to dinner and then he can sing his front porch song on my front porch.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Update on baby birds
This morning, I asked husband to have a look for the baby birds. Nest is empty was his report. EMPTY???? I am pretty sure they were too small to fly. I didn't notice any on the ground. The only thing I can think of is a midnight snackin' snake.
On the bright side, at least I do not have to deal with smelly dead baby birds that momma would not touch again after I rescued the one. I never realized how stinky dead baby birds get until a bunch died in my fence post. Yes, really. A very small bird had made a nest inside a 2 inch diameter metal pipe that hold my fence gate. Some how they died. Maybe they could not get out, or maybe they drowned but they stunk for a week.
The other bright side of no baby birds at the front door is that our killer golden retriever will not eat them as they learn to fly. He managed to gobble down one that was learning to fly in the garage before I could catch all 90lbs of him and drag him into the house. Honestly knowing what goes into that dog's mouth makes me never want him to lick me again. Pretty gross, baby birds, baby bunnies, horse poop, very old vegetable scraps from the compost pile (he climbs over a 2 and a half foot wall to get to those).
He and his border collie partner in crime got an armadillo the other night. The armadillo and his (or her) family have been aerating our lawn and garden beds looking for grubs. They do minimal damage so far so I really do not care. My neighbors feel quite the opposite. They hate the armadillos tearing up the lawn and the shrubs. I have volunteered to rent them killer and his cohort. I could start a natural selection pest control business. Completely organic and natural!!!!
On the bright side, at least I do not have to deal with smelly dead baby birds that momma would not touch again after I rescued the one. I never realized how stinky dead baby birds get until a bunch died in my fence post. Yes, really. A very small bird had made a nest inside a 2 inch diameter metal pipe that hold my fence gate. Some how they died. Maybe they could not get out, or maybe they drowned but they stunk for a week.
The other bright side of no baby birds at the front door is that our killer golden retriever will not eat them as they learn to fly. He managed to gobble down one that was learning to fly in the garage before I could catch all 90lbs of him and drag him into the house. Honestly knowing what goes into that dog's mouth makes me never want him to lick me again. Pretty gross, baby birds, baby bunnies, horse poop, very old vegetable scraps from the compost pile (he climbs over a 2 and a half foot wall to get to those).
He and his border collie partner in crime got an armadillo the other night. The armadillo and his (or her) family have been aerating our lawn and garden beds looking for grubs. They do minimal damage so far so I really do not care. My neighbors feel quite the opposite. They hate the armadillos tearing up the lawn and the shrubs. I have volunteered to rent them killer and his cohort. I could start a natural selection pest control business. Completely organic and natural!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Baby birds
We have a bird's nest in a hanging planter by the front porch. I used to water the baskets regularly until one day I watered and a small bird darted out of the basket and angrily twittered at me.
I stopped watering. The basket was too high for me to check everyday without taking it down. I had been curious to see what the bird family was up to.
Yesterday when I got home from work, I got my answer. I saw a tiny baby bird dead on the front walk. I am not sure what got it but it was clearly dead. I buried it nearby not even thinking it came from the hanging basket. I was looking straight up into the oak tree looking for the nest.
I sadly walked up the front porch steps thinking about poor momma bird missing her baby and perhaps poor snake who didn't get his dinner either. Pondering the cruelty of nature, I saw baby bird #2. This one was not dead and was right under the hanging basket. It looked at me blinking its big baby bird eyes. It was pretty ugly. Bald in spots, gray fuzzy feathers in other spots boney and awkward.
Not being sure if it was true that you should not pick up a baby animal because momma will reject it, I looked for a way to get baby back into the nest. I found a magazine insert and an old bubble wand. I carefully scooted the baby bird onto the insert. it pooped in fright.
I got the basket down and saw 2 other babies in the nest, just as ugly, helpless and small. The baby slid off the insert into the nest head first. I was hoping it had enough strength to turn around.
I have been trying to keep an eye on the nest to see if momma has been coming back. I think she has been because the basket swings a bit when it is not windy. I have not heard them peeping though. I hope they do it when I am at work. I hate to think of taking down the basket with 3 dead baby birds in it. Blech.
I stopped watering. The basket was too high for me to check everyday without taking it down. I had been curious to see what the bird family was up to.
Yesterday when I got home from work, I got my answer. I saw a tiny baby bird dead on the front walk. I am not sure what got it but it was clearly dead. I buried it nearby not even thinking it came from the hanging basket. I was looking straight up into the oak tree looking for the nest.
I sadly walked up the front porch steps thinking about poor momma bird missing her baby and perhaps poor snake who didn't get his dinner either. Pondering the cruelty of nature, I saw baby bird #2. This one was not dead and was right under the hanging basket. It looked at me blinking its big baby bird eyes. It was pretty ugly. Bald in spots, gray fuzzy feathers in other spots boney and awkward.
Not being sure if it was true that you should not pick up a baby animal because momma will reject it, I looked for a way to get baby back into the nest. I found a magazine insert and an old bubble wand. I carefully scooted the baby bird onto the insert. it pooped in fright.
I got the basket down and saw 2 other babies in the nest, just as ugly, helpless and small. The baby slid off the insert into the nest head first. I was hoping it had enough strength to turn around.
I have been trying to keep an eye on the nest to see if momma has been coming back. I think she has been because the basket swings a bit when it is not windy. I have not heard them peeping though. I hope they do it when I am at work. I hate to think of taking down the basket with 3 dead baby birds in it. Blech.
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Guest
Well he started as a guest. My friend called and said she was dropping him off at my house. Uh, okay I said not feeling like I had much say in the matter but thinking he would be fun to have around. Tell me what you think of him, she said, but do not trust him for one minute!
Lucky for me this was not a human guest. She brought me a year and a half Egyptian Arabian who was not quite what the breeder had in mind for her program. My trainer said I could keep him if I liked him but that would be the end of horses for me for awhile. Arabians live to be 30-40 years old.
Al Fadoulee is his name. He looks like a red roan now but will shed to gray by the time he is six. He has a mischievous manner but is friendly. The breeder was calling him Doulee but my trainer misheard her and started calling him Dewey. We liked Dewey better. He will be bigger than Sahil. The husband who thinks horses have ruined his life (at least when he gets angry at me), adores him. He suggested we keep him. I gave him the final word on the matter. Lucky for me, Dewey follows him up and down the fence line. He feels like they have made a connection. I really do not think that it will inspire the husband to actually learn how to ride, but maybe Dewey will be gentle and calm enough for him to be able to trail ride on him in the future.
At this point he is a stud colt but we will get him snipped. I have been worried about him jumping out of the pasture to go find a girlfriend but so far he enjoys the safety of his home. As a matter fact, somehow the gate go open the other night and Bailey was in the front yard grazing. Surprised the husband when he came back from his run at 6:30am. He got him back in the pasture but did not see the open gate. He came in a told me about Bailey aka Houdini. I got worried thinking we had a break in the fence. I looked out the window and saw the open gate. Dewey was standing near it and Bailey was out in the yard again. I dashed down the stairs, out the door and got to the gate. Dewey was just standing there looking at me. I don't think he had any intention of going through it. Got Bailey back in and fed them breakfast. I think Dewey thought breakfast would be much better than escape.
I like this horse. I have a good feeling about him. He is brave and bold but loves humans. He comes when called and does not get insulted when you make the rules for him. I am glad we are keeping him.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Not the Weigh to go
I got on the scale this morning and was 2.5 pounds heavier than I have been the past few weeks. I have been seeing a nutritionist since last September and I have a food diary that I keep. I am trying to stay at 1650 calories a day to lose weight. For those who do not know know me I am healthy, low blood pressure, good cholesterol, fit but according to the BMI index, obese.
I work with a trainer twice a week for an hour, take spin class once a week, and walk 3 miles at least 3 or 4 times a week. I ride and train my horses. Haul hay bales. Do most of the yard work around the house and spend time chasing my 3 year old around.
You would think that I would be a slim person. SO that is where the nutritionist came in. I do eat candy. We have it at work and it is a good stress reliever. I guess I have about 4 or 5 minis a day. I have cut down on alcohol. I really need to get more fruits and vegies in my diet.
I KNOW what I am doing wrong, I just get to the point where I really do not care. I have been refusing to throw the towel in completely but I cannot seem to get on board with the diet thing completely either. I feel better and more sexy when I am slimmer. I have lost weight before. Why can't I do it now? I am frustrated, whiny and not really looking for help or advice. This needs to come from within.
I watched a video of myself riding my horse. That was a good motivator. I looked heavy and awkward. I should watch it every night or every time I feel like eating.
I just keep wondering if there is ever a time when I will give up completely. Continue to exercise, because I do love that, but not pay attention to what I am eating anymore.
I work with a trainer twice a week for an hour, take spin class once a week, and walk 3 miles at least 3 or 4 times a week. I ride and train my horses. Haul hay bales. Do most of the yard work around the house and spend time chasing my 3 year old around.
You would think that I would be a slim person. SO that is where the nutritionist came in. I do eat candy. We have it at work and it is a good stress reliever. I guess I have about 4 or 5 minis a day. I have cut down on alcohol. I really need to get more fruits and vegies in my diet.
I KNOW what I am doing wrong, I just get to the point where I really do not care. I have been refusing to throw the towel in completely but I cannot seem to get on board with the diet thing completely either. I feel better and more sexy when I am slimmer. I have lost weight before. Why can't I do it now? I am frustrated, whiny and not really looking for help or advice. This needs to come from within.
I watched a video of myself riding my horse. That was a good motivator. I looked heavy and awkward. I should watch it every night or every time I feel like eating.
I just keep wondering if there is ever a time when I will give up completely. Continue to exercise, because I do love that, but not pay attention to what I am eating anymore.
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