Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have noticed that when my life seems out of control, I have a tendency to make lists, obsessively.

Things to sell:
1. Western saddle
2. Wedding dress
3. old computer
4. several old cameras
5. media pins (from my collection that is a huge dust gatherer)

Somehow it makes my life seem more organized and together, even if I never even follow the list.

To do today:
1. buy dog food
2. bank
3. car registration
4. paint bedroom
5. steam clean carpets

The lists can even get outrageously ambitious on the "to do" side of things. I know I can't paint the bedroom in a day but it is on the list and it is a project that I intend to complete.

Home improvement list:
1. fix wall cracks
2. repave driveway
3. weed gardens
4. stain the floor of the porch
5. paint the trim on the feed shed

The home improvement list is much longer than 5 things. I would love to be able to have the house "sell ready" should the need arise. I understand that is unrealistic but at the same time it is a goal. Unfortunately most of those goals cost some serious money.

People I would like to find again:
1. Nicky Tebbutt from Tenby, Wales
2. Eric Strauss from Sigma Chi at SU
3. Peter Hilgartner, my partner in crime in my college Russian class
4. Miss Collison, my fave 4th grade teacher
5. myself

I am curious what kind of life these people have had and what they are doing now. Nothing special about that. Everyone is curious about people that were once important to us, whether they knew it or not.

Things I want to learn:
1. play the drums
2. canter piaf
3. another language fluently (Spanish would be the most practical)
4. how to propagate plants successfully
5. patience

I hesitate to say "learn before I die". That just seems like it gives you time to procrastinate. Only God knows this, I guess. I am kind of waiting for my son to get older. Then he will be interested in things other than having mom entertain him. Hopefully I will not be driving him to those other interests but likely I will. maybe we can combine our interests.

Places I want to go:
1. Belize
2. Wales (again, all over)
3. Portugal
4. Australia
5. New Zealand
6. Colorado (to show my son)
7. Pecos Wilderness (again)
8. The Pacific northwest
9. Iceland

All of those on horseback preferably. I better get crackin because I know there are even more places I would like to go but I cannot think of them off hand. Wish I could vacation swap with people in all of these places so all I would have to pay for is airfare.

Somehow, my life seems calmer now.