Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Vision of Future Beauty Standards

If I were a BEAUTY fashionista, I would make some changes to make the average female, over 40 set, feel much better about themselves. First of all I would make laugh lines and forehead wrinkles cool. If you don't have them, you have no sense of humor and no life experience. Basically you are not cool, have no substance and live a vacant shallow life. The twenty something set would be clamouring for makeup to enhance their budding wrinkles, practice crinkling their nose when they smile and laugh at least 4 hours a day.

Next thing would be enhancing the black circle under eyes. Think of the possibilities, blue tones, purple tones, shades of gray. Under eye shadow I will call it. The average over 40 set will save a fortune on makeup because they have earned their circles trying to squeeze 50 hours of activities into 40 hours.

Lips will not be plumped. Thin lips will enhance the large eyes, that framed by the dark circles. Pillowy lips will not be a sign of youth and sexuality, more like a gross exaggeration. Thin lips, accented with a slash of red or plum lipstick. White teeth will still be vogue and with thinner lips, they can be seen much better.

Age spots will be known as freckles and be cute. That extra chin will be viewed as a sign of wealth and prosperity (much like olden times).

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to surf some plastic surgery websites....wonder how much Botox injections run....